The Messages!!

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Baani's POV

I looked at both the men !

One who just now zipped his mouth and one who was supressing his laughter!

"Did I crack a joke here Aayush" I asked glaring him and he denied as a chuckle left his mouth!

"I am going home" I huffed and was going when a hand grabbed my hand and pulled me on himself!

"We came by my car" He said

"I'll book a cab!" I stated

"You don't have a phone!" He smirked

"I'll say Anna to do so!" I told

"I'll not let you do so" He said

"I will! And you can't stop me!!" I gritted

"Try me!!" he challenged while I huffed!

"Guys! That's my bedroom in which you both are cat fighting" Aayush poked and we glared him

"Shut up!!" We yelled when we heard a chuckle from behind!


Now only she was left!!!

"Guys! You both fight like kids! How you'll even take care of your kids" Anna said

"Like every parent does " I stated

"Every parent does not have mood swings like you" Kabeer spoke and I glared him

"I'll not let my kids even come near you!!" I bickered

"Well ! I'll be their father and you can't stop me" He stated

"So what! I'll be their mom and they'll be mumma's kids" I backfired

"Their? how many are you planning by the way" he asked

"Two..Are enough I think! What say!!" I asked and he smirked 

Uh oh!!

Was I planning our kids!! 


Why I always speak without thinking!!!

I looked at the two faces looking at me in shock and one with a smirk!

I'll someday break his perfect jawline and then stab him thousand times with a knife!!

"It..It's late!! We..should go" I said and Anna smirked

"Yeah!! It's very late!!" she mocked and I glared her!

"I'll not get you anything you crave for now!" I growled 

"I've Kabeer!" she smirked

"Off course I'll !! Anytime!" he said 

"Fine! Bye" I huffed and went away from there ignoring the three faces laughing at me!

Moron! Monster!! Vampire!! 


I right now hate him so much!!

Well.. You kinda love Damon Salvatore... don't you!

And he's vampire! 

So you love vampire!!

And hence you love the one whom you're calling vampire!!

Okay shut up!!

At least for once prove that you're my own sub conscious.

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