Back To Our Own Wedding!

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Kabeer's POV

I wish, I just wish I could've killed those Khurana's before they laid their eyes on Baani ! I swear I'm still regretting sending Baani alone to Mumbai. I feel as if it's my mistake!

But if I think the other way round, I've never seen this Baani ever! She's this angry very very rarely but when she's like this then my Angel becomes Devil !

And this devil is nothing in front of that !

If someone don't know Baani from before then they can't even think if she has a side called sweet and most lovely too!

Because I today saw Baani Bajaj , who don't mercy on bastards !! Those bastards thought that she's just a pretty face but what they didn't know is that by hurting her family they touched her thorns which are venom for such dogs.

Just imagine, when she can bring a man who floats on dominance on likes every control in his hands, on his knees then she holds power to do ANYTHING!

But still, I wish my Angel never had to become devil !

As she says, I wanted to be her knight in the shining armor!

"You won't eat?" she asked me third time as we were sitting in a hotel and she was eating as if she's hungry since weeks!

"Don't give me that look Kabeer Mittal ! I'm hungry since morning! " She glared and I shook my head looking away!

And this man!!

"You should be in the mood you were half an hour before" I told Aayush who was eating happily with Baani.

"You're a jealous bitch Kabeer" he said stuffing food inside his mouth and I huffed!

"Sir, madam anything for dess..." the waiter could complete before which we three spoke.

"Chocolate ice cream" we three said in unison and waiter looked at us and smiled a bit.

"Three bowls!" he said and I denied

"Two bowls each with three scoops and in one add extra chocolate sauce" I ordered and he nodded

I'm marrying a ice cream monster!!

"You won't eat?" Baani asked

"No! I'm full seeing you eating " I mocked

"You know what ! I hate you" she muttered

"I know how much" I smirked and she huffed

"Aayush! Say him to shut up" She spoke and I raised my brow at Aayush challenging him to say anything.

"Baani! Ice cream" Aayush spoke and she beamed taking it while he sighed


Baani was going to eat when I held her hand!

"What's this?" I asked looking at her wrist

"Show me that hand" I mumbled and she frowned

"It's nothing Kabeer" she told and I glared her

"Did you tried struggling in those handcuffs" I asked as my voice became hoarse

"Kabeer! It's okay! It isn't hurting even a bit" she said

"I'm sorry! Due to me you're facing everything" I sighed

"Kabeer! No one's facing anything due to anyone! You're so mature to understand that! And when two people love each other it means they're ready to take everything what comes with love! And it includes all the risks too! So stop blaming yourself for anything!" Aayush snapped and I and Baani looked at him shocked.

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