Un Pacte D'amour

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Author's POV

A great author once said that,

Each of us is a story. Waiting for a devoted reader who will take us off the shelf and embrace all of our plot twists.

He was damn true!

Kabeer & Baani were the two different stories,on two different shelves of life waiting unknowingly for each other. So that each one of them would take each other off the shelf and embrace all of each other's plot twists.

Baani came in Kabeer's life as a hurricane comes in sea and the cities get flooded. But this hurricane was not for destruction. It was rather for construction.

And Kabeer came in Baani's life as the sunlight, which fills each corner of Earth... Earth after all was Baani!

They both were destined to be to gather. After all it was in their fate, and written in their stars!

Baani bought out that thing in Kabeer which he himself thought he's incapable of.. That's love! And Kabeer bought out that thing in Baani which she thought she couldn't ever get over, that were her fears!

The biggest happiness for Mittal as well as Martin family was the arrival of their God child. Everyone was waiting for the child like never before.

And it has to be. After all the kid, according to Kabeer, the kid will be giving birth to a kid.

Well, that was actually true in their case.

The pregnancy hormones of Baani made her act more stubborn and childish. Kabeer used to think that may be, Baani will hate ice creams but who knew that Kabeer has to buy ice creams, sorry, specifically double chocolate chip ice creams for Baani.

He knew that messing with a pregnant woman that too when she's Baani was the worst thing to do. He saw the glimpse of one when they visited their gynec when Baani was in her second trimester.


"Mrs. Mittal. How are you doing? " The doctor asked

"Morning sickness and food cravings. Other then that I'm as good as to dance" Baani replied while he chuckled.

"Great. Then let's do the routine checkup" Dr. Singhania said while the couple nodded.

But before they could enter the ward for ultra sound checkup, Baani saw someone.

Well a kid barely seven year old, who was eating an.... Ice cream.

"Kabeer! " She mumbled

"Yes love" He asked when she pointed to the kid while Kabeer looked at her and then at the boy who in return looked at Baani who was having hungry eyes on his ice cream.

"Baani. We'll have it after going from here. The check up is priority " Kabeer said when she narrowed her eyes at him.

"So now the baby is priority. Not me. Did you in case forget that when you proposed me for marriage, you said you'll never say a no for giving me an ice cream" She reminded

"It wasn't like that. I told to keep the stock in fridge. And as of baby, of course it is priority but y.." Before Kabeer could complete the lady was in her hulk mode.

"Yeah. The baby is priority. So now no angel. The baby will be angel. This Baani angel gone into well. I knew it. And I know, you'll not take me on any ice cream date from now. I hate you Kabeer" She screamed while the people looked at her as if she's gone mad.

"She's not with me" Kabeer muttered which only heightened her anger.

"You know what? I'm not dependent on you for an ice cream. And I'll eat that right now" She challenged and looked at the kid who hid his ice cream and ran off to his father.

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