Betrayed & Broken!

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Baani's POV

I saw the whole video and the whole truth was infront of me! 

So I've been actually betrayed by my dear husband !

What someone needs in a marriage?

Trust and truth about each other!!

I trusted this man with all my heart and life...and in return I didn't get to know the biggest truth of my own life!!

My mumma said so much of this in her last time! Even my papa didn't have any idea of this!!

But no one....No One ever told me that coming India and seeing him wasn't the first time I met him!

I met him 26 years ago!!

"Mom..told tell me too ! It decision too! It was my right to know all this the same day..But it seems your dominance took toll over you again..and you took decisions from my behalf too! Even after an year of didn't tell me..and I'm sure you would've never told me in future too!! Keeping the biggest truth of my life away from me!!! Kabeer Mittal..You successfully betrayed me!! Badly!!" I sniffled but  he denied hugging me but I pushed me away!!

This time..I won't forgive you !!

"Away from me!!!" I yelled and he looked at me shocked

"Baani..ple.." he was saying before which I spoke

"After doing all this to me Kabeer Mittal, you still have the audacity to speak !! What you got by hiding this from me huh? Tell me! Tell me why didn't you say all this to me when I had the same rights to know about this as much you had!!"I screamed

"I never wanted to hide it from you Baani ! It was just..when we got married we weren't even in talking terms with each other and when we started talking..I had already hurt you twice so badly that you were about to e..end your life..I was scared that how you would react knowing all this! I was scared that will you..even talk to me ever if you'll get to know the biggest reason of me marrying you! I..couldn't think of that! I know you had, had all the rights but it was me who wasn't ready to tell you!" He said and I looked at him chuckling bitterly.

"Wow! So you chose to hide it from me!! What do you think now Kabeer ? When I've got to know this by myself..knowing that my husband betrayed me..will I ever be able to forgive you? You were afraid right, that will I ever talk to youlr not? Now say..will I be able too?" I asked when he came a step near while I stepped back.

"Away...Away from me!!" I warned and he looked at me hurt!!

"You knew everything from start! Such a good actor you're!! Wow! And wait..when you told me  that shares are the reason of marrying me..I asked you if there's some other never looked into my eyes. Why didn't I understand that time too. Why I trusted you so blindly! " I sniffled as more tears came out of my eyes!!

I remember now that he was looking at the floor that day when I asked this and I told him that trust is shown by eyes focusing on eyes.. Not on floor!

"Baani please don't cry..please" he pleaded 

"Thanks for your concern Kabeer !! But I don't need it!!" I stated and he sighed 

"Wait..and that pact of marriage!! You knew everything till then right! You didn't even stopped me from doing that pact of eight months when you knew that our mothers wanted us to get tied to gather forever!! Cheated me and Wanted to cheat your mom as well Kabeer" I asked 

"Baaani!" he glared raising his voice.

"What! Weren't you!! How many many times you made me realize that it's just matter of months when you very well knew that it wasn't ! From day 1 you knew the whole truth still kept it hiding! Didn't you once think of me! For once you didn't think that it wasn't just you who was getting was me too! It was my life too!!" I screamed

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