You won't ever loose me!

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Kabeer's POV

The Earth beneath me swept away and I stumbled on my feet.

"Kabeer" Aayush shrieked holding me.

"I'm okay. I'm okay" I mumbled

"Kabeer" Aayush again whispered

"I'm okay I said" I yelled when Vivaan again started crying.

Aayush looked at Anna and gestured her to move to the room.

"Baani is alright okay. Nothing has happened" Aayush said and I looked at him as a tear left my eye.

"She has to be okay. She has to. If anything happens to her.. I'll... I'll die" I mumbled and he hugged me while I cried.

"We need to go Aayush" I said

"I'll also come" Anna told coming with teary eyes.

"Be with Vivaan" I stated and went out.

Aayush drove to the airport & in next hour which seemed like infinity we reached Delhi on the same spot and all I saw was ambulances and people.

People injured badly and some people wrapped with white clothes.

My head started spinning badly.

"Baani... Baaniii" I yelled like mads in the crowd.

"Kabeer calm down" Aayush said and I glared him

"My Baani is missing and you're saying me to fucking calm down" I screamed

"Sir, we're still taking out people from the plane. Let us do your work" An officer said

"I want my Baani back. Do you understand. I want her right now in front of me" I yelled making him flinch but the least I care.

"Kabeer. Please, for Baani calm down" Aayush pleaded and I looked at him closing my eyes.

There was just one face coming in front of my eyes.

Her laughing face!

I hugged Aayush and cried.

"I.. I'll die Aayush.. If.. If anything happens to her. Please find her." I sobbed when he patted my back .

"She's a fighter. Don't worry. She's going to be okay" He whispered but his eyes too betrayed him.

I called my security team and soon they were here helping the police and everyone else in rescuing the people.

"We found someone" An officer spoke after an hour.

I hurriedly went there and looked at the person who was covered with white sheet from top to bottom.

Chills ran down my spine.

"The victim is a woman sir. Face scratched. And... She's dead. We've found this near her seat" The officer said and gave me the star and moon necklace of Baani. The one I gifted her again.

No...many can have this right. It's not hers.

But you yourself know what made it different from other pieces.

"Does this belong to your wife sir? Can you recognise the dead body " The officer said

"She's not dead. Do you understand it. Her name is Baani and call her that only" I shouted on him while he gulped down nodding.

Dead body!

How a person become a dead body!

My hands trembled the way they've never before.

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