2 | his voice didn't falter

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I FELT a light tickle on my arm and my eyes flutter open on their own accord. The sky was a misty blue, blending in with purple as the sun tried to overcome the darkness.

The light made its way above the trees, lighting up the forest below; like always it was a beautiful sight to behold.

I loved mornings. I was a morning person right after I got past my initial still sleep-induced state. 

I wasn't surprised to wake up to the early morning sky rather than my popcorn ceiling because I would often wake up outdoors, accidentally falling asleep while gazing at the stars. It wasn't anything new.

I look down at my arm to relieve the tickle but instead, my eyes meet the yellow caterpillar thing that was inching up my arm. I shriek out in surprise and fear and stand up abruptly, shaking and jumping to get rid of any other caterpillars or insects that could be on me.

Bugs I didn't care too much about, but caterpillars, spiders, and such were a whole different story. I shake my arm trying to get rid of the caterpillar and see that it had jumped off. I try to calm my racing heart and then exhale loudly.

This is ridiculous.

I examined my arm to make sure there were no marks and I was glad to see nothing.

Suddenly I felt bad for the caterpillar. I look back to where I had seen it jump down and I tiptoe towards that spot in the grass. I look down only to see the caterpillar balancing itself on a blade of grass.

Oh gosh.

I didn't want it to die or anything so I looked around for a stick. I scanned the clearing and spotted a stick by the flat area in the center which was just meters away from the cliff. I smiled and ran over to the stick and came back for the caterpillar.

I crouched down with the stick in my hands, trying to get the caterpillar to crawl onto the stick so I could mount it onto a tree where it would be safe from getting squashed.

"Oh come on," I muttered, and then I was filled with excitement as the caterpillar moves onto my stick. 


Then, I slowly got up and walked over to the nearest tree and let it crawl onto the bark. I watch it for a few seconds with contentment before remembering exactly where I was and the events of last night.

I remembered exactly how there was another dude here with me.

My safe haven was no longer my little secret.

When I looked back at where I remembered him sitting I look down at the dirt and grass and see some random doodles in the dirt. Random stars and some pulled loose grass.

And then I see his basketball. Perched perfectly underneath a tree. I groaned knowing exactly what this meant.

I knew this was his promise.

He was coming back tonight.


"You saw someone else?" My grandfather inquired curiously, his dark brown eyes on me. "Who?"

"I don't know his name, but it was a guy. He looked around my age," I answered with a huff as I continued to set the table.

"Wow, The Edge is pretty hard to come across since it's deep into the forest and ours is the closest house to it. I'm surprised," He says with furrowed brows. I shared his intrigue. I don't know how he came across this place but he said he was trying to escape his house.

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