13 | change with the seasons

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ONLY WITH acceptance can you move on. 

It allows your mind to understand and perceive reality for what it is; not the scenarios passing through your head. 

How you wish something could have turned out versus how it actually did.

To become at peace, you need to free your mind.

Free yourself from expectations and accept. 


"Layla? Are you okay?" My grandfather asks me when he sees my untouched cereal. I look up to his concerned gaze before passing him a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Layla Khai Fraser, if anything is bugging you, please let me know," My grandfather says trying to be stern, using the same tactic I use on him when he isn't cooperating in terms of his meds, diet or anything in general. "Since when do we keep secrets?"

"Keep trying Thomas Fraser, one day you might perfect the art of using the full name," I joked, making my grandfather look at me with a deadpanned expression.

"Very funny," He says sarcastically, and I try to grin at him to give him the impression of me feeling to be in a better mood. I take a spoonful of my cereal, and I smile at him when I see him watching me.

"I find happiness in your happiness, Layla," my grandfather tells me truthfully as his eyes gleamed with affection. My heart melts.

"I find happiness in your health, Thomas. Take your afternoon meds," I grinned at him, making him roll his eyes.

"Can't ever have a break with you woman, can I? Marie has been on my back all morning over resting from the blood test. Like it's not that serious!" He vents to me making me chuckle.

"Does she know about yesterday?" I hesitate to make him look at me with a half-smile.

"It's your choice, you can choose to tell her if you want."

I smile at him appreciatively with sad eyes. I loved my aunt but I knew just like how strict she was with my grandfather, she would be even twice as strict with me. 

My grandfather turns around to dry the wet dishes.

"I'm still considering going back to school," I speak up making my grandfather freeze in his spot. He puts down the plate he was drying and looks at me with glazed eyes.

"Even after what happened? Do you think it would be a wise idea, Layla?" he asks me. I gulp down the last of my cereal before giving him a light smile.


"I've been thinking about it," I say making my grandfather's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "This is my last year in my high school days and if anything were to happen at school," I started and my grandfather opened his mouth to shoot down my idea of going to school entirely. Before he could object, I interject. 

"Which won't happen!" I say loudly, overshadowing his protest. He rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, if anything were to happen the school faculty is there and I also have Kayden," I conclude. I look at my grandfather to gauge his reaction. He exhales as if deep in thought.

"I have to think about it, Layla. I think it's too soon, especially since what happened yesterday..." He trails off into a distant whisper.

"Trust me. I'm serious about this. I want this for myself. I'm done hiding in the shadows, not being able to do anything. I can't even go to the milkshake parlour without fear...I can even come back home from my aunt's house without getting jumped. Wherever I go, I can't escape reality. What needs to happen will happen. Hiding hasn't solved my problems before and continuing to hide won't solve them now either," I ranted, my voice cracking.

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