26. Tough one

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The mission was long, it had already been over a month since Sasuke left for the land of wind. Turns out, the white zetsu remnants were real, and the raven wanted to find and be rid of any more that he could in the area, which was a long and hard process. The raven took his time, realizing that he had missed these unpredictable, long missions.

After a month of search, the kazekage had invited the raven for a few days break in the sand village. They had never really spoken or met before officially, but they both had a thing in common, a mutual friend who was very special to both of them.

Sasuke was welcomed by the kazekage himself and was invited to dinner with him to properly thank him for the long and tiresome work that he was doing. The raven accepted the invitation as warmly as he could manage.

The dinner was over and some of the finest sake was being poured in two cups by the kazekage himself.

"So Sasuke i suppose that you must be tired by now, looking for remnants of a war long won over", Gaara said.

"Not really, it's the kind of work i chose for myself. Things that Naruto can't himself do anymore, now that he has to stay in the village", the raven said while sipping on his sake.

"Ah yes ofcourse, Naruto. Quite an astonishing man he is, don't you agree?", the redhead said with a small smile.

"Hn", Sasuke replied flatly.

"I wonder if he's doing alright. You see, in our line of work as kage, especially now that the world is at peace, it could get rather...lonely, might i say", he added, "tell me how has he been? Personally?"

"He has people around him that love him", Sasuke said a bit defensively.

"I have no doubt about that, he has made a profound place in the hearts of people around him, friends and villagers alike. But you see, its the time after we are done with the kage duties of the day that we realize, that an empty house, a lonesome bed, gets harder to bear with time", Gaara said staring at his sake.

Sasuke remained silent. He had never thought about it that way.

"We look after the village, its people, everything. We find joy and peace with that, but the feeling of being looked after yourself, well, it becomes a longing need, eventually", Gaara continued, casually sipping on his sake.

The raven felt a pain in his heart, thinking about what the redhead was telling him, he wanted to to be the one who looked after his blonde, it may even be nice coming home to one another, he wanted to make the blonde feel good, like he made everyone else around him feel.
Sasuke just stared at his cup, not moving, not saying anything, just...thinking.

"This was good, finally getting to have conversation with you Mr. Uchiha, please be my guest to utilize all the amenities of what the sand has to offer while you're here. And if you need anything else...any entertainment of sorts tonight, feel free to ask for it", Gaara said standing up.

Sasuke wanted to raise a brow at him at his discreet way of asking if the raven wanted something or someone to help him lay off some steam. He internally scoffed. Sometimes he wished everyone would know that he didn't feel anything for anyone, except...
That he had eyes for no one except...

"Hn", and with that, he saw Gaara leaving with a gentle smile on his face.

Right after the redhead had left, the raven took his leave towards his allotted quarters, upon reaching, he discarded his clothes and decided to hit the sack when...a certain someone came knocking at his thoughts. Thoughts became visions and visions aroused a need within the raven.
Soon after, soft moans and grunts could be heard in the room. The Uchiha touched and released himself again and again that night, with his beautiful blonde in mind, until exhaustion took over him. Naruto...

It wasn't until four months had passed that the raven concluded that he had accomplished the mission to completion.

I should head back now.

The raven had also hoped that a distance for this long would have helped both the rivals to come out of their fling, and that they could go back to being friends like they used to. He kept telling himself that he was completely over the blonde, that it was only a confusion and nothing more. It was going to be put to the test soon anyway.

Sasuke made his way to the leaf village, thinking about his mission and pondering upon visiting the other nations as well in the future, in a similar search to this, he would have to discuss it with the hokage once he got back.
It wasn't until a few more days journey that he saw the gates of the village. Finally. He couldn't wait to take a shower. But first, he had to report to the hokage, so that's what he did.

It was already late at night when he reached the hokage office, he let himself inside and saw Naruto and Shikamaru almost ready to call it a night, but they stopped what they were doing when the raven came into vision.

"Im back", Sasuke said, standing in front of the hokage's table.

Naruto smiled at him, "Tough one?", he asked.

"Not unusually. Here's the report"

"Alright, I'll have a look into it. Good work Sasuke, you should rest now"

"Hn", the raven said, still standing there, looking at the blonde. He wouldn't admit it himself but Sasuke had missed the blonde, and he waited for the blonde to say something, anything.

"Did you have something else to report Sasuke?", Naruto said, noticing the raven's gaze on himself.

"Nothing", and with that, the raven turned around and headed home. Home. But why did it feel like he was just leaving his home behind?

Control yourself Sasuke!

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