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Amberstar stood in front of the Great Stump, repeating the words she would soon need to say over and over again in her head.

My first naming ceremony as leader. It will all be fine, I know what I'm doing.

Amberstar had been the leader of RiverClan for nearly two moons, and so far, it had all gone smoothly, aside from the occasional glare from Fishpatch or Wolfwhisper, though Amberstar felt she was finally on good terms with everyone in the Clan.

Pinewhisker stood beside Amberstar, and quickly gave her a reassuring lick on the cheek.

"It'll be okay, you've seen Troutstar do this plenty of times," he mewed encouragingly. Amberstar nodded confidently, and leapt up onto the Great Stump.

As Amberstar looked out over the camp at her Clanmates, a nervous feeling wormed its way through her stomach, making her feel sick. I don't need to feel nervous, she told herself, so why do I?

"Let all cats old enough to swim in the stream gather for a Clan meeting!" Amberstar's voice rang out across the camp. Her Clanmates began to make their way into the clearing to sit in front of her; she could see Appleblossom and Toadleap at the back giving Mistypaw, Tigerpaw and Puddlepaw one last grooming, before the three apprentices all bounded to the front of the crowd.

The same nervous and sickly feeling hit Amberstar in the stomach again as she looked at the three eager cats. She tried her best to push the feeling away, and just focus on the ceremony she was about to perform.

"Ravenkit! Get back here!" Sweetmoss's yowl distracted Amberstar, and she could see the cream-coloured queen racing after her small, black kit.

"But I want to watch as well!" the little she-kit mewed back to her mother, running up to join the crowd of cats. The Clan all let out amused purrs as the little kit began to weave through them, being chased by her mother.

"You're not old enough, you need to get back to the nursery with Cloudedkit and Sootkit," Sweetmoss told her kit as she finally caught up to her, and grabbed the kit's scruff.

"But Sootkit smells funny! And she keeps coughing, it's annoying!" Ravenkit rebuffed, kicking her legs as she was carried back to the nursery.

Amberstar let out a small chuckle, then turned back to face the waiting Clan. "Well, now that we're all ready, let's begin."

She cleared her throat, and desperately hoped that she remembered all of the words.

"I, Amberstar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

Amberstar looked down at the three apprentices; Mistypaw's tail was held upright with anticipation, and Tigerpaw and Puddlepaw both had eyes wide with nervousness.

"You have all been trained well." She nodded to Waterheart and Fishpatch in acknowledgment, then continued. "Do you three promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your own life?"

Mistypaw immediately jumped up. "I do!" she meowed confidently.

Tigerpaw and Puddlepaw both stood up eagerly after their sister, and said, "I do."

Amberstar smiled proudly. "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Mistypaw," she looked down at the light grey tabby. "From this moment on you will be known as Mistyclaw. StarClan honours your independence and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan."

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