Part Seven.

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June's dress floated down to the floor, her shoulders covered by a thin strap of material. The royal blue hue made her blonde hair stand out more than ever. Mr and Mrs Hathaway stood just in front of her, their arms linked. Mr Hathaway in a black formal suit, and Mrs Hathaway in a floor length silver dress. They all smile as they enter, nodding towards people they were friendly too.

"Ahhh Mr and Mrs Hathaway, so lovely to see you" Grace Shelby floats over, looking immaculate.

"Thank you for the invite Mrs Shelby" June's mother smiles, the pair kissing each other on the cheek. "This is out daughter June"

June steps forward, suddenly shy in front of Grace. She was beautiful. June hoped she grew up to look like her.

"Ah yes!! Hello June! I believe Finn is over by the buffet if your Parents will let you join him" she smiles, bending down slightly to June's height. She didn't like that. It made her feel like she was a child, younger than she currently is. June turns to her parents who nod in approval, and let the girl be on her way. They would spend the night socialising rather than keeping an eye out for June anyway.

"Hey!" She smiles, approaching Finn, making him jump. He turns, and his anger from being crept up on suddenly changes to a soft smile.

"June" he whispers under his breath, bringing her in for a hug. He hadn't seen her for 3 days from being off school. He felt like he wasn't able to let any more words come out of his mouth. His best friend looked truly beautiful.

"Dance?" She asks, holding her hand out. Finn nods, taking her hand and twirling her into the dance floor.

"Yess!!! Wooooo go Finn!!!!!" Arthur and John Shelby could be heard on the side lines as the two teenagers walked away. June rolled her eyes, trying not to get embarrassed by the onlooker staring at them. They joined the rest of the dances and held hands, slow dancing to the music . Finn felt like everything around him was melting away as he watched June move her eyes around the room. His heart skipped a beat as she twirled around on the spot and fell back into his arms.  June was feeling the same. A weird feeling in the pit of her stomach every time Finn looked at her. Butterflies? No... it can't be, June thought.


Both of them spent what seemed like forever on the dance floor, laughing and twirling around, changing it up depending on the music. June turned on the spot for what felt like the millionth time and froze. Walking towards her, with a face like thunder, was George. His parents were stood in the doorway, occupying themselves by talking to others around them.

"Finn" June whispers, taking a step back.

"Fuck sake" Finn also whispers, but to himself.

"What do you think you're doing?" George's jaw line was tense, his voice low, but still could be heard.

"We're having fun mate" Finn smiles cheekily. George was not impressed by this.

"Well play time is over. June? Come with me" he turns to walk away, expecting June to follow, but she didn't. When he realised there were not footsteps behind him, he turned around. "June!" He said, almost shouting.

"I'm not coming with you" She crosses her arms, scared the death of the consequences.

"What did you say?" George steps forward again, his face turning red with rage.

"I said I'm not coming with you. Finn, if you need me, I'll be getting some food" June turns up her nose and walks away. She was shaking inside and out, petrified that George was going to follow her. After spending this time with Finn tonight, and the feeling she was getting when dancing, she realised she needed to break free. From him. The biggest bully in her life. Her eyes were stinging with tears as she kept walking, passed the buffet and through the middle of the room towards the door.

Finally looking up to where she was going, a man started to walk towards her. She hadn't seem him at the party tonight before, but there was a lot of people here anyway. He looked angry, and held something in his hand that June couldn't quite make out.

"FOR ANGEL" The man shouted, and raised his hand to reveal a gun. It was pointing to what felt like directly at June. She froze, panicked as to what to do. Within seconds, she was flying through the air as the gun was fired. She hit the floor with a thud, someone laying on top of her.

"Finn" she cried, holding onto him for dear life. He had ran and jumped to move her out of the way. His face was full of fear and shock. They both look to their right, sill laying on the floor, only to see Grace being held by Tommy, blood staining her dress.

"You saved me Finn.." June whispers in shock and horror at the scene unfolding before her.

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