Part Two.

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"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight?" George smiles at June, her hands in his own, fingers entwined. She looks up at him with a smile on her own face, her cheeks flushing pink. She nods, no words coming out of her mouth. 

"Great. I'll come by yours around 6.30". George kisses June in the cheek, before turning and walking towards the direction of his house. They hadn't long finished school, and with it being a Friday she was sure her parents would let her out. Unlocking the front door she walks in to see her  mother in the kitchen. Her dad was more than likely staying on late at the factory. 

"Mum... is it ok if I meet some friends this evening?" She asks, taking a slice of bread off the table. Her mother flaps her hand away with a smile. June would never normally lie to her Mother but she felt like if she told the truth, she would most definitely not be allowed out. 

"Not tonight love" and she turns her back. 

"Why?" June asks, knowing it would push her buttons. 

"Because I said so" was all her mother would say. Any feeling of happiness now gone, June walks up to her bedroom and shuts the door. She lays on her bed with a sigh. Her brain ticking away, thinking of a plan. 



June smooths her dress out before opening her bedroom door quietly. Her dad was still not home from the factory and her mother was having a bath. She closes the door behind her, sneaking downstairs, missing each creaky step she knew there was. Finally reaching the front door, she steps out, noticing George walking down the street towards her. 

"So where are we going?" She asks, keen to know his plans. 

"Follow me" he smiles, taking her hand in his. After walking for a little while they come across a small gate that lead into a field full of sunflowers. The sun was going to be up for a while seeing as it was still summer. They walk through the stalls until they reach a large tree in the middle. 

"This is gorgeous" June smiles, sitting down with her back against the tree. 

"As are you" George sits next to her, holding her hand again. They sit in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. 

"June, I've got a question to ask" George whispers. She stays quiet, waiting. 

"I've been wanting to ask for a while. I just wanted to wait for the right time.... will you be my girlfriend?" His face is hopeful, glowing in the sunset. 

"Of course" June can't help but smile and wrap her hands around her new boyfriends neck, before planting a kiss on his lips.

"Why are you always with him?" George spits, pacing his bedroom. 

"Because he's my best friend?" June pouts, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. 

"Yeah well I don't like it" George stops pacing his room to stare out the window. "I don't like any of them. They aren't good news June" his hand moves the curtain slightly so he can see clearly onto the street. She gets up to join him, looking down at Thomas, Arthur and John Shelby, talking to no one other than her own father. June didn't think anything of this, as the factory he worked, she knew was owned by the Shelby's. It might possibly be why her mother didn't like them all too much, constantly keeping her father at work.

"They aren't that bad" June shrugs, recalling the last time she had spoken to John, who seemed nothing but nice. Might be because of her being friends with Finn but who knows.

"Well you would wouldn't you" George's mood turns instantly, grabbing the top of June's arm again, shoving her to the wall. The curtain falls so anyone looking up would not be able to see the scene unfold. "You're so far up that little Finn Shelby's ass you don't see the monster he is. The monsters they all are" he is right up close to her face now. June is a strong young girl, but George petrified her. She always did as he said, has always been in line, but when he is like this she fears for her life.
"George, please" she rubs her arm, knowing a bruise will form. She begs him to stop being so spiteful.

"Just get out of my face" he points to the door, not even looking at her. At first she doesn't move, but soon realising he actually didn't want her there she got up and left, walking home alone. Once home and in bed, she curled up in a ball, and cried herself to sleep.

The next day, June was woken by her mother entering her room. "Finn is here to see you" her mother sighs. June gets out of bed and picks up her dressing gown, placing it over her. She needed to make sure it covered the dark purple bruise that had formed in the shape of a handprint on the top of her arm. She winces in pain as she lifts her arm to let the dressing gown slide down it, before tying it in place.Not long after, Finn walked in. 

"You ok?" He looks at her with concern. She nods with a small smile, trying to hide any sort of pain she was in. 

"Just not feeling too well" she lies. She sits back on the bed and pulls the cover back over her. She did actually feel like shit, but not from illness. She felt alone, tired, and hurt. Her feelings as well as her body. 

"I don't think I'm going to be up for coming out anywhere today" she admits to Finn, hoping he may offer to leave her alone so she could cry in peace. 

"It's ok, we can chill here if you like?"

"I would like that" she smiles at her best friend. Oh if only he knew.

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