Part Ten.

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June's breathing was heavy as she opened her bedroom door, and crept across the hallway. Her parents were downstairs, eating breakfast and getting ready to leave for work. She could easily wait for them both to leave, but before her mother has come home early, or pops in and out of the shop and the house. Trying to sneak in to her dad's home office is easier to do when she knows where they both are. It was now or never.

One foot in font of the other, placing them gently on the wooden floorboard, June finally reaches the door. She holds her breath again as she places her hand on the door knob and twists it. The door makes a slight squeak as its pushed inwards. She peaks her head around the corner, before moving her body into the room and slowly closing the door behind her.

"Right..." she whispers to herself, focusing on the desk. Reaching out and opening the top drawer, there was nothing of interest in there to her. It was filled to the brim with stacks of paper and pens. She opens the next drawer, hoping to find some sort of money box but nothing. The other two drawers were also empty. Sighing, June shifts her eyes across the room, landing on a landscape painting hanging on the wall. It was slightly askew, as if it had been moved before. Within two steps she was in front of it, and lifted it off the wall. A safe was hidden behind it, now in plain view.

Luckily for June and her memory, she had heard her parents talking about this safe, and once over heard her dad letting her mum know the new passcode to it. Whether that had changed or not she wasn't sure, but she tried it none the less.

"2303" she whispers, pressing the buttons. There was a beeping sound before the door opened up. Inside, was stacks of notes, each with a thin sheet of paper wrapped around them showing how much was in each stack. She grabs 2 stacks, £150 in each of them, and closes the door. Without a second thought, she walks out of the office and straight back into her bedroom, her parents still happily downstairs. She sighs, glad that was out of the way. Sliding the bag from under her bed she places the cash at the bottom of the bag along with her school ID card, in case she needs to give her age for whatever reason. June had already taken her auntie's address the night before, and notepad with the address on was also in view.

"June!" Her father calls, his footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. She rushes to kick her bag back under her bed, before grabbing her hair brush and pretending to act as if she was getting ready for school.  "Are you up?" He knocks, waiting for her to answer before coming in. She keeps her head down, looking at the hairbrush she just placed on her bed. 

"I'm off to work now, don't forget to call by the shop after school to help your mother with closing" he nods in June' direction. She smiles under her hair, not wanting to say anything as she knew her voice would quiver with emotion. Just as her father was about to turn to leave, June runs towards him and wraps her arms around his waist. She buries her face into his jacket so he can't see the black eye that is still there. 

"I love you" she whispers

"I love you too June Bug" he whispers back, kissing the top of her head "I'll see you later" and with that he walks out of the door, closing it behind him. June felt like her world was slowly crumbling around her as tears strung her eyes. She stood there and contemplated if this was necessary? does she REALLY need to go? yes. Her mind is telling her yes. There is no way she can stay around when George is still there, inching her slowly into a broken girl. 

"I'm going to the sop June! I'll see you later" Mrs Hathaway shouts up the stairs, and before the girl can even reply, the door is slammed shut. Silence. 

"I'll see you later" June whispers to herself, a tear finally escaping. She grabs the bag from under the bed, double checks everything is in there. Putting a jacket on, she heads out of the door. For the last time in however long, she steps on the creaky stairs, the wobbly floorboards in the hallway and one last look through the stained glass window leading into the kitchen, before opening the front door and making her way out. 


June's foot taps lightly on the cobbled stone along side the train tracks. Looking left, right and left again, there is still no sign of Finn even though the clock tickers faster. Her train will be here soon. Come on Finn. She didn't want to leave Small heath without at least saying goodbye. A knot formed in June's stomach, nerves getting the best of her as she could see the train edging towards the station. She bites her lip hard, almost drawing blood. Her hands are dripped so tightly around her bag that her knuckles turn white. She knew this was a good idea. She knew she had to leave, get away from George. She would stay if she knew she could be protected from him, but the girl was terrified that not even her parents could protect her. He would kill her for sure. 

The train has pulled into the station now and there is still no sign of Finn. The conductor is calling everyone aboard. Taking a deep breath, June hops on. She takes a window seat near the back, out of the way and tucked in the corner. Her bag placed neatly by her feet. She tries to steady her breathing as waits patiently for the train top start again. For the man to come and take her money for her ticket. 

The doors are closing.

Everyone is aboard.

The platform is empty.

a tear rolls down June's face. 

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she see's Finn, standing on the platform, a bunch of flowers in his hands. A tear falls down his face as he notice's June already on the train. 

His hands fall to his sides. 

"Bye... I love you June" he whispers, as the train takes off down the tracks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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