Part Four.

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For what felt like the millionth time that week, June Hathaway turns out of her front door and in the direction of her mothers florist to open up the shop. Her bruises were finally faded enough for her to wear a short sleeved summer dress, although she carried a thin coat with her incase she got too chilly from the wind. Her green eyes scan the street, watching the same people walk off to work as she had done each day. June knew for a fact that today would be like every other day except busier, as her mother had a new order of flowers coming in for the shop, so bouquet making and flower arranging as well as serving customers was on the agenda today. 

She looks down at her dress and smiles, the colours making her happy. She had always loved the colours blue and green, and this dress and both of them in it. It was a pale blue summer dress, short sleeved, tight at the top and floaty at the bottom, just above knee length. The bottom of the dress was her favourite as it was covered in white flowers with green leaves. The flowers reminded her of a summer she once spent with her grandmother as a child. Her Grandmother would take June out to her big garden and let her run around bare foot, little white daisies all around her. For a brief moment, June looks up at the sky in remembrance, wishing her to still be alive. June didn't have a very big family. She was an only child, as was her mother. She never met her grandmother on her mother's side, only her fathers. She had two Aunties and an uncle on her father's side, except her uncle lives in Sydney, Australia and her one Auntie doesn't bother with them at all. She was extremely close to her other Auntie growing up as she lived next door. They would have sleepovers, cuddle up to her dog and they would draw and play games. The thought reminded June to give her Auntie Meg a call when she got home later on. 

She is soon knocked out of her thoughts from the sound of scuffling in an alleyway to her left. Walking slowly to the wall and poking her head around she noticed George and Finn face to face. Finn had George by the scruff of the next and his fist raised. 

"what are you doing?!" June says, exasperated. the two boys fly apart and stare at her in shock, obviously not expecting to be caught by June of all people. She stares between the two. Finn's lip is cut open and George's nose is bleeding. 

"Nothing June" Finn sniffs, stepping forward to walk towards her.

"You dare" George gruffs, pulling him back and pushing him to the floor. 

"Stop it! both of you!" June walks forward towards them just as Finn gets up off the floor and pounces towards George. Both of them have their fists flying and faces red as they try to fight each other. June tries to stop them, but within a second, she goes flying backwards. She turns trying to catch herself but only falls to the floor quicker, her hands not quite moving quickly enough out infront of her to catch her fall. Her knee's hit the ground first before the rest of her body. She can feel her knee's sting as she turns over, seeing dirt and gravel stuck within the bleeding cuts they now had.  

"Look what the fuck you've done!" George yells, shoving Finn away. Tears start to form in June's eyes even though she tries to push them back. She tries to tell herself over and over in her head how its silly to cry over a silly cut, but they stung so much. 

"June I'm so so sorry" Finn tries to help her up but George pushes him way again.

"I'm ok Finn" June doesn't look towards him, not wanting him to see her cry. She knew he didn't mean it, but with George there she was too scared to say so. Her boyfriend helps her up and they start to walk away from Finn, leaving there on his own in the alleyway. 

"I have to get to work" June looks up at George, who's nose had stopped bleeding. 

"We'll get you cleaned up first" he smiles, kissing the top of her head. She flinches at this, not used to him being so nice. The last time they kissed was probably around a month and a half Ago, and that was only because they were in school, putting on a front. Within minutes they arrive at his house. 

"Hello...?" he shouts, waiting for someone to call back, but receives nothing in return. "must be at work" he smiles, helping June over the step and into the kitchen. She sits down at the table and watches as he struts around on the hunt for items to clean her wounds. With some alcohol, a wet cloth, water and some plasters he finally comes back and places them on the table. George kneels down on the floor infront of June and starts to clean the cuts gently with the cloth and warm water, trying to remove any gravel and dirt from them. 

"This part may sting" he whispers, pouring some alcohol into another clean cloth and dabbing it on her knee's. She gasps in pain, clenching her fists and jaw tightly. June was concentrating so hard on the stinging pain and trying to ignore it she hadn't even realised that he had finished and put the plasters on. She opens her eyes and looks down at his work, smiling a little. 

"Thank you" She whispers, trying to push the thought that she wished she wore a longer dress to the back of her head as she tried to stay in the moment. It was times like this that made her realise why she is with George. His caring and loving side is the George she loved. 

"You're most welcome" He leans forward slowly, and kisses her lips. 

"Why were you fighting?" June asks as they part. 

"That doesn't matter" he snaps at her, narrowing his eyes, then within almost a split second, the smile is back on his face. "Shall we get you to work?" he extends his hand out. 

"Please" June nods, not wanting to push the subject. She knew she could always ask Finn another time.

George didn't take the smile off his face the entire walk to the florist, now looking himself seeing as he cleared up his bleeding nose. 

"I'll see you later?" He kisses June's hand as they reach the shop floor. She nods in the return and watches him walk off down the street, back in the direction of his house. 

As she opened the door, she couldn't help but ponder as to why he was so cheery? and what on earth were they both fighting about? 

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