Chapter 5: Heavens Above

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Goggles and crew readied their weapons. If these Skylings were rebels that were still loyal to Calliope, they needed to go. They didn't think they were sent from Breeze, because why would she send so many in one giant mass like that? Goggles and the other 9 were quick enough to let everybody know that the Skylings flying above were going to attack, and this time, everyone was prepared for them. The public got out their weapons. Specs advised that any cephalopods with long ranged weapons should go and shoot at the attacking skylings, to which they complied.

Goggles also said that if somebody gets hit with a dart, another cephalopod should rush in and grab them and take them to the safe zone down the hole. He SO did not want a repeat of what happened last time, nor did the other 9 or anyone else in the public. Inkopolis was not going to be destroyed again, the group would not let that happen. Heck, even the buildings had been strengthened after that tornado, so there was no way they were going down. The group was ready now.


The Skylings were expecting this to be just as easy as last time as they flew over Inkopolis. A few of them were chatting amongst themselves about it, though they were starting to tire from flying for a while. They had their dart guns and swords, and could easily intimidate any civilian into doing what THEY, the superior species, wanted. This take-over of Inkopolis was going to be a piece of cake, right?

Boy were they WRONG.

The second they entered Inkopolis Square's vicinity, one of them was struck down by a shot from an E-Liter scope. Following that came a barrage of ink from a hydra splatling, and more charger shots. Dear cod, was it possible that these weaklings actually learned a lesson and armed themselves?! If so, that meant bad news. The Skylings weren't going to give up, but neither were the civilians, who were starting to grow in group size by the second.

The Skylings needed to land soon. They had battle armor on, and while it wasn't massive and clunky, it was still weighing them down. But if these citizens kept firing at them like this, there was almost no hope for them. One soldier was shot in the wing after being caught off guard, and fell down into the pit of the civilians. The others could hear screams of agony as weapons fired, sub weapons went off, and the soldier was...splatted. With no respawn point nearby.

"SPLIT UP!" the leader commanded, and the army of Skylings did.

This also split the civilians into more manageable groups, though the groups were still pretty large. They had the Skylings outnumbered, but the Skylings couldn't retreat now or they would surely be killed by Calliope for showing cowardice to an inferior species. Team blue, the S4, and the yellow duo decided to stay together as one group, so that way they wouldn't be separated from each other and that they can stay together. Another reason they wanted to stay together is so that they could stay close to Goggles, which relieved him of some stress and anxiety.

Some Cephalopods did get hit with darts, but other cephalos managed to grab the affected ones before Skylings could get to them and brought them to the safe zone in Octo Canyon. Just as planned, and soon Inkopolis was an all-out war zone. Goggles and crew fought off as many Skylings as they could while avoiding getting attacked themselves. They had to dodge several darts and sword slices to make sure they lived long enough, because they HAD to defend their home.

"These Skylings won't give up!" Aloha shouted as he shot and splatted one with his 52. gal.

While the fight was happening, the reformed Skylings who lived in Inkopolis flew away after letting some of the cephalopods know that they were going to let Queen Breeze know what was happening. Some of the attacking Skylings chased them, but were quickly shot down by both some snipers and the allied skyling's weapons. The group of ally Skylings managed to successfully get away, and the citizens went back to fighting. Everyone could see the hostile Skylings dwindling in numbers, but they were still going hard. They were not going to retreat or give up any time soon.

Special weapons could be heard going off through the yells and the shouts of the fight. Skyling wings flashed everywhere, some Skylings taking to the skies to shoot darts, but being forced back down after someone sniped them or out of low stamina. As things kept going on, team blue, the yellow duo, and the S4 all couldn't tell who was winning and who was losing. Goggles didn't even have the time to text the Squidbeak that Inkopolis was being attacked right now because these Skylings never let anyone have a single second of peace during fighting.

Even though the citizens had weapons and were defending themselves quite well, they were losing allies, and had to retreat more as well. The crowd became less controlled, and more people started bumping into each other. Along the way, team blue was tripped up by the crowd and fell down. Two skylings saw this as a chance to capture them and aimed their dart guns at them as they tried to get up. They thought they were going to get captured again when suddenly...


Team blue looked and saw that Goggles had moved in front of them, taking both of the darts to the arm.

"GOGGLES!" Specs exclaimed.

"NOOOO!" Headphones and Bobble screamed at the same time.

Team blue watched helplessly as Goggles was forced into his squid form.

"" he struggled to say before being knocked out by a Skyling.

The blue group quickly turned into their squid forms and dropped down the hole before the Skylings could take them. The Skylings were about to drop down when one Skyling intervened.

"We don't have time to take anyone else! If we can only get one Inkling, then fine! Let's just get out of here!" the Skyling shouted.


And just like that, Goggles was taken away.

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