Prologue: The Thriving Monument

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It was a cloudy day, perfectly suited for the mood of the creature currently active within a hidden area of the forest. Ex-Queen Calliope was sitting on her throne in her lair, still thinking about the memories of what happened to her after she was defeated at Sky Peak. Some time had passed since then, but she'd decided that today was time for revenge. She called all her Skylings over, those who had still remained faithful to her even after the truth of her tyranny was revealed. They all wanted order like her, and believed she was the rightful ruler.

"Everyone! It is time!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the large space.

Everyone started cheering, but she quieted them down.

"Remember the plan. You are to kidnap as many civilians as possible. They will not be expecting us again, not after what happened when that BRAT took MY throne!"

The Skylings shouted in agreement.

"We're going to show those inferiors who's boss! Especially when the special moon arrives..." Calliope sneered. "Now, OUT!"

The Skylings began to fly out in massive groups, though there were less than 300 this time. She had enough confidence however, as these Skylings were well trained under her. Those pesky cephalopods thought they could capture her the last time they clashed, but they were wrong. She'd escaped and planned revenge for two weeks now. She couldn't wait to see what would happen after this. Soon, she could finally rule over all these stupid land species.

Calliope picked up an ancient scroll, fixing her fake plastic crown as she re-read it. Legends told of a mysterious and rare phenomenon known as "The Icy Blue Moon". It came only once every 10 years, and when it did, certain creatures got power ups and the climate would get cold. Skylings were described to receive heightened strength and speed, so Calliope wasn't about to waste this chance to attack the citizens of other locations to prove her superiority. The moon would hit by the end of this week according to the scroll, and Calliope could hardly contain her excitement.

But there was still something missing...ah yes, her weapon. Her necklace had been crushed the last time she fought the Squidbeak, and her crown had been taken by a worthless, undeserving Skyling that didn't even have royal blood or a high status. She'd need a replacement for both of those, and this icky, peasant plastic would not do forever. Reading the scroll again, she saw something about a "lunar crown" and "lunar staff" that were supposedly lost in the seas of Japan long ago. Both would be powered by the Icy Blue Moon, but until then they could only generate small sparks of power. Oh well, they would have to do.

It was something to busy herself with, anyway. A few Skylings had stayed behind to watch the lair while the army was gone, so Calliope figured that the least she could do was do it herself.

"Loyal servants! I will be gone to find myself some relics! While I am off, I expect you to guard this place well! Should an intruder come, kill them!" She commanded.

The servants made noises of agreement/confirmation, and Calliope stood up from her throne. It had been a while since she'd worked these big wings, anyway.

Time for revenge.

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