08 - seven-eleven

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"oh my god, she's here." nishimiya stated. "uhh, who's here?" I asked. "her," she said, pointing to this girl with ash blonde hair.

"who the hell is that?" i questioned. "you have no idea? girl have you been living under a rock? she's megumi's ex" mai elaborated. "ohh okay" i said quietly.

i dashed up to megumi, intending to ask him to go to 7-11 later, when the girl abruptly said. "hey megu, i see you have a new girlfriend."

"she's just a friend of mine. what brings you back here? i assumed you were in the US with your "precious" boyfriend." megumi responded cockily.

"oh, he's studying in america. so, who is this girl? you make me think i'm just your type, especially since you went with (h/c) as well." she sassed.

"(h/c) girl, your hair is literally ash blonde. also, i think i know who you are." i said.

"and who do you suppose i am?" she said.

"you're the girl who kissed my ex forcibly and manipulated him into ending our relationship." i responded, placing my hands on my hips.

"oh yeaaahh, your ex-boyfriend, who is now my boyfriend, we're living our lives, hun." She gave a friendly smile. "dont even think about calling me hun. are we even close?? no." I stated.

"come on, megumi." i said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of there. i swear curses have infiltrated that place. she could've been one of the sisters of the curse i killed in practice.

"wow... i had no idea your ex was the one she cheated on me with" megumi muttered.

"yeah, i had no idea she was your ex. considering the fact she dyed her hair and i didn't even notice her. i didn't think she'd come back into my life." i responded.

"do you wanna go to 7-11?" i suggested. "sure" he replied.

we walked to the 7-11 closest to the school, where i bought doritos and a slurpee.

i almost forgot that we were still in school so i bought more chips since everyone would undoubtedly enjoy them.

i bought a variety of chips, spicy and salty, you name it. we even both bought our favorite slurpees. mine was cherry cola and megumi's was blue-raspberry.

i bought exactly how many students there are in tokyo and kyoto so that that ash blonde-haired bitch doesn't get any.

— itadori's pov

"yo kugi i heard mina said that todo told mai that y/n threatened him. she said "if you fight him again, i'll fight you"

"what the- why is everyone being threatened rn uhhh." kugisaki shrugged. "BUUUTT y/n said something before that" i cheekily grinned. "well what?" "she said "hey that was my boyfriend you fought. touch him again and i'll fight you."

"WHAT. SO THEY BOTH LIKE EACH OTHER???" kugisaki whisper-yelled. "YEAH LOOKS LIKE IT. i wonder why everyone's kinda scared of y/n tho.."

— mimi's pov

"hey y/n.. do you wanna go out tomorrow?"

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