14 - is this a date?

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(that one part when he asked u guys out)

(that one part when he asked u guys out)

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"yeaahh, these aren't going to work." megumi claims "how about going to a drive-in movie?" itadori proposed. "that might work. okay, i'll tell her to put on something comfy."


y/n cooly 😇 >

Today 10:32 AM

wear sumn comfy aight?

aight bet my g

why are u talking like that
its weird

you started it
i jus rolled w it

wear sumn comfy kay?


dry mf

"tf is she being dry for"


y/n's pov

"hah, guess who's very nervous." i fake laughed. "girl, even we both know you're ecstatic." mina sighed and rolled her eyes. "okay, but going on a date with him is extremely nerve-racking."

"did he mention it was a date?"

"uh no, but he did ask if i wanted to go out."

"then it isn't a date."

"nah, same thing, buuuttt what should i wear? he told me to dress comfortably. i'm not gonna show up there ill looking."

"just put this on and i'll send it to you, look"



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time check: 5:28pm

"mimi where are we going" i questioned. "you'll see," he says.

we haven't stopped at the mall, the park, or the grocery store... where are we going?-

"wait, is this what i'm thinking—A DRIVE IN CINEMA?" "yes"

"a drive-in movie theater—wait, let me take this in. how did you know i'd been wanting to do this?" i took a look at him. "uhm, no, i didn't know you've been wanting too."

(im making megumi drive a convertible cos im just that cool)

"btw, what's this movie called?"

"all the bright places," he replied. "wait a minute while i go get some food brb."

time skip to when the movie starts

"gosh, what's taking him so long?" i thought to myself. "hey, i'm back." he said and hopped back in his car. "dude, you took like a million years," i exaggerated. "what the line was long," he said, handing me bags full of my favorite candy and chips. how did he even know-

time skip to when the movie finished 🤣

"MEGUMI WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS MOVIE? " i said as i wiped my tears away. "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GONNA BE SAD YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE SNIFFLING," he replied, wiping his nose.

"wait a minute, where are we going next?"

"the hills."



when we reached our final destination, he laid out a blanket for us to sit on and we just stared at the stars all night. woww he's really cute.


when i looked to my side, i noticed a folded piece of paper. "look, i found a note on the grass, it might be for a treasure hunt, let me read it." i laughed.

megumi snatched the note from my grasp as I was opening it. "wait, what was that for?" my brows furrowed. "don't bother reading it" he said.

"come on, just hand it over"


"hey, why is itadori here?" as I previously stated. "WHAT WHERE?" perplexed by what I had said, he looked back and i quickly snatched the paper from his grasp.

hey, this might sound cheesy but the first time i met you it wasn't love at first sight but my love for you gradually developed each time i talked to you. the way your personality, your voice, your humor, the way you smiled became clear to me that you were exactly what i was looking for. i don't know why i'm really afraid of losing you when you're not even mine. i get so happy when i receive a text from you. i'd patiently wait for a response when i'd text you and feel mad when i receive a text and its not from who i was expecting. you're my favorite notification. also, you're the only person i open up to. i mean sure itadori and nobara are there but you're really the person i trust the most, them coming in second. talking to you makes my day, y/n. no matter how bad my day is, even if i just talked to you for a minute, it would seem perfect. i like you. a lot. like a lot, a lot.

- mimi

"...see, that's why i told you not to read it," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"do you mean it?" i asked. "do i really mean it? of course, i mean it. i wouldn't write a 180-word letter if i didn't mean it, dummy."

"what if this is all a prank? what if you don't like me at all? what if-" i was cut off. "n/n do you really think i'd ask you out on a date and give you my hoodie if i didn't like you?"

"..no.. anyways i like you too dummy" 

i noticed a change in his expression as he heard my response.

he appeared anxious when i read the letter but it quickly changed when i told him i liked him back.


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