Over My Dead Body 3

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For dinner we ate broccoli stuffed chicken and baby carrots. For a side dish we ate grilled vegetable panini  and for desert I had two slices of Caramel German Chocolate Cake. I felt like a princess sitting in an actual chair by actual human beings eating this delicious meal. Usually Master fed me Heineken's in a dog bowl and doggy treats. Everyday I puked up my dinner and was soon forced to eat stale bread and moldy cheese with half a glass of water.

Now I ate like a grand queen. Well not really... Anna said normal families ate like this everyday and I was mistreated. "So how did you come to be in the possession of that grimy Dwayde Nixon?" Richard asked nicely.

I set my fork down on my plate and sighed. "When I was 12 i was abducted from my home. I haven't seen my family in 4 years. Most importantly they took me away from my little brother. He was only 9!" I said frustrated. I wished I knew they were phantoms. Phantoms were the guardians of evil and were nearly extinct. They were found and tracked down by the rogue immortals and now the remaining phantoms were actually evil themselves.

You see the phantoms were a very pleasant species. They were trusted among many immortals and were once great humans before turning. So a wizard had told them to guard the evil power so i wouldn't get into anybody's hands. Obviously it backfired because evil is now running freely and the phantoms are one of the most malicious species known to mankind.

"So...you were stolen?" Holly asked confused. I nodded.

"I'm sorry." Richard said sadly.

"Don't worry about it... I'll be fine." I lied.

"So... where were you stolen from?" Holly pried.

"Graveyard." I responded flashing on the night. Suddenly I was inside someones mind. No not someone...Vlad's!

She is such a liar. Who gets stolen from a graveyard?

"I'm not lying!" I yelled mentally. Vlad's head snapped up and he stared menacingly at me.

"Mom..." Vlad trailed off and he turned away from me. Mrs.Donahue stared between us questioningly.


"Nothing mom." Vlad said and then started picking at his cake.


"So Darla said, 'Well maybe if you get a job we can shop more.' Can you believe she had the nerve?" Holly was showing me pictures of all of her "last year" friends.



"I mean no!" I lied as Holly gave me the evil eye.

"Well I'm going to get some beauty sleep. See you in the morning." Holly gave me one last look before hopping into her bed across the room and turning off the lights by clapping her hands.

I sighed as the dry summer air swept through the open window. I stared at Holly who was already breathing heavily. I looked out towards the window. I jumped out of bed threw on Holly's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" sweater and hopped out the window onto the roof. It felt good to have the summer air sweep against my body. I sighed.

If only Damon were there to help me enjoy the breeze. Damon. I missed Damon no matter how annoying he'd been. Was he sill alive? Did he miss me? Was he in a better place? All these thoughts and a million more ran through my head at the speed of light which barely gave me time to ponder any of them.

"What are you still doing up?" my head spun around soquick that my neck cricked. It was Vlad staring at me with a curious smile on his lips.

"I could ask the same to you." I said defensively crossing my arms.

"Well... I like to stare up at the night sky and wonder how many stars there are out there." Vlad said gazing into the sky.

"Ha ha very funny. Which bedtime story did you get that from? A movie maybe?" I asked. Vlad looked at me and I smirked at him.

"It's the truth." Vlad stated.

I nodded my head. "Right." I said very sarcastically. Vlad actually looked hurt for a second but it was instantly covered by a blank expression.

"Well why are you up here?" Vlad asked laying back on the roof. I self consciously played with my ear lobe. I had no clue. To escape, think about mom and dad, immortals, phantoms? Why did I come up here?

"Well that's what i want to know." Vlad said looking over.

Had I been thinking out loud? "What?" I asked confused.

"What...OH! Crap...nothing!" Vlad said covering up his mistake. Did he read my mind? Did he peep my thoughts? Only one way to find out.

I took a big gulp of air. Slowly I scooted my way over to wear Vlad was laying. Another big gulp of air. I looked into his blue green eyes. they seemed distant. Unconnected and unaware of what was going on. "Vlad?"

"Hmmm?" Vlad asked a softly still not paying attention.

"Vlad are you..." Another gasp of breath. "Are you an immortal?"

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