Over My Dead Body 4

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Vlad burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that the roof vibrated beneath him. I don't know why but I cracked a small smile too. He stared at me harder and burst into another round of laughter. Each time he looked at me cracked up even harder than the last time. I felt my face grow hot as he hooted with pleasure. Vlad laughed for so ling he started to complain that his stomach hurt in between moments of breath. Seeing Vlad laugh like this made me feel so childish and insignificant. How could i ask a stupid question like that?!

"Wait...wait.....wait...!" Vlad laughed a good hearty laugh. "You think immortals are real? I think you've been in the loony bin for too long." Vlad said finally settling down.

"I'm sorry-"

"No I'm not a stupid good for nothing fake fairytale immortal." Vlad said chuckling.

"What do you mean stupid good for nothing fake fairytale?! Immortals are as real as you laughing your ass off right here!" I said angrily.

Vlad's face got really serious then. "You can't actually tell me you believe in that stuff ,right? Next you're going to tell me ghosts are real." Vlad rolled his eyes at me.

"No they're not real....they're called spirits. Two totally different things okay." I said even angrier.

"You're nuts."

Suddenly all of my anger that I'd kept hidden inside of me for four years came tumbling out of my mouth. "You son of a beach! You have no clue what you're talking about! You are a low less human that doesn't understand ANYTHING! To think I'd actually considered you one of us! you're such a no good...no good...UGH! I Hate YOU!! I-"

"One of us?" Vlad interrupted confused. I clapped my hand over my mouth real hard and kicked myself mentally. I just gave up my biggest secret. It was like telling the world that vampires were real! No one would believe me hopefully.

"Immortals are fake. Stop being a groupie." Vlad said annoyed.

"You bastard! You're so horrible. I swear it you must be a vampire or something by the way you're acting." I said rolling my eyes.

Vlad's eyes went wide for a minute and everything was silent. I stared at him as realization set in. Boy he looked human to me. No way could he be a vampire. Vampire's didn't exist. Only immortals and stuff like that. Vampires were a fairytale made up by a rogue immortal. But... could it be?

"No way." Vlad whispered.

"Way." I said whispered even softer.

"Even if vamps were real... we'd be mortal enemies." I said thinking about it.

"Consider us enemies then." Vlad stretched and then stood up. He didn't even stumble as he walked across the roof and onto the other side. In all of my 16 years of living never once had I met a vampire. My heart thudded in my chest as i sat there. I didn't move, I didn't think, and I barely even breathed.

"Omygosh." I said thinking out loud.

I woke up on the roof early in the morning. The sun was just coming up and there was a slight mist. I yawned loudly and stretched when my hands brushed against something. What on earth? It was Vlad.

"Vlad!" I shook him.

"Huh?" He asked rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Vlad what are you doing up here? I thought you left a long time ago?"

"Oh well i did. But i wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows,

"I MEAN! Uh.....i wanted to make sure that...HOLLY was safe.. yea Holly." Vlad stuttered. I didn't buy Vlad's act for a minute. Forgetting last night I hugged Vladimir. He got real stiff and giggled into his chest. His sweater was cashmere and soft against my face. I fell back asleep in Vlad's stiff arms.


Alright guys i have writers block now....i hate it! anyway guys VOte vote vote because i'm in the gatekeepers contest no i think. SO please help me out and vote. I'm working on ch. 5 now. kay? YAEH BYEEE <3 yall

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