Over My Dead Body 2

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"So you're my new little sister?" Mrs. Donahue's daughter walked in on me dressing.

"Um...yes ma'am." I replied throwing on the night gown that was on the bed.

"HA HA! My name is Holly. If i were you I'd put something better on for dinner." Holly smiled at me as if we'd been sister since we were born. I gave an unsteady one back. ''Here for right now you can borrow something of mine." Holly walked up to her fancy slide open closet and started shuffling through boxes and shoes. "AHA!"

I stared curiously at the girl. Her hair fell into her eyes at she took a simple green top and small looking pants. "Aha?" I asked.

"Here put this on!" Holly passed me the outfit and stood there watching as I changed. It didn't matter since I'd changed dozens of times in front of Master.

"Uh...how do I look?" I asked staring down at myself uncertainly. She gave me the once over and gave me a thumbs up and a wide smile.

"C'mon I'll give you the grand tour of the house." Holly grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs. It was weird because the Holly I'd just saw before was mean and demanding over a hot car. I was bitten by rats and almost torn to shreds by rabid dogs. I haven't seen my brother in 4 years and she's complaining about the heat of a car? I laughed silently to myself.

"So this is the dining room and this is the living room and the kitchen." The three rooms were close together separated by glass doors that sparkled and smelled of glass cleaner. The kitchen was especially big and the smell of fresh food and tangy smelling fruit wafted through the door and enveloped me in a rush of delicious smells. I breathed in deeply as whizzed by the door.

Holly led me up back steps in a closet labeled storage. "These are the servants staircases. They lead to everywhere in the house except the bedrooms and the spare bedrooms.'' Holly jabbered on about the house but me...I got bored and stopped listening. Instead I decided to peep.Yea i knew it was wrong and I hadn't done it in forever (not including earlier today) so i was probably a bit rusty.

I locked onto the closest person to me that wasn't talking and another wave of violet-ish haze swept over me. This time nausea accompanied it. The room was unusually dark compared to the rest of the house. His eyes were closed in a light slumber and as soon as i started to see the dream, he woke up. Not really woke up, more like jumped out of bed and shook his head fiercely.

I was shaken up a bit-mentally of course-but i was still able to see what was going on. The first thing the guy did was turn on the light. It was a dim light and it was only a lamp he turned on. Not the ceiling light that i saw out of the corner of his eye. Something about his mind was off and it made me shiver. No he definitely wasn't of my kind...but there was still something very strange about him. I shook myself mentally and another wave of nausea followed suit. The nausea caused me to tumble forward and then something happened that i didn't even know i could do.

I fell from his mind mentally and then I landed in front of him physically and mentally. I stared up at him and realized something. He was cute...no beyond that! He stared at me in disbelief as he threw a shirt on.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" He screamed at me.

"I...uh...i just- i just- and...well...I'M SORRY!" I burst into tears. When i was 12 i wouldn't have cried in the least bit. Being around these petty humans has made me weak i realized. This made me break down into more aggravated cries. The boy bent down and grabbed my chin. He stared into my eyes with blue ish greenish eyes.

"Don't cry." He said softening his tone. I instantly stopped. "Who are you?" Something about the way this boy said it made me shudder and i was instantly on guard. Just like in the old days. "My name is Vladimir." Vladimir said holding out a friendly hand.

"Charity- ER...Isabel." I replied fixing my screw up.

"Identity crisis? I know how you feel." Vladimir stared at me and then asked again, "So what are you doing in my room again? And how on earth did you get here?" Vladimir asked meanly.

"Ya know...I don't give a crap and i have no idea how i got here." I said defensively. I wiped stray tears from my face and Vladimir lifted his eyebrows.

"One with an attitude I see? Wall Ms. Attitude... Get. OUT." Vladimir demanded. If he didn't want to be nice...then for sure i was going to be the same way right back.

"Do you treat Holly like this?" I questioned. I kept my caution because i was highly aware of the way Vladimir's eyes flashed different colors.

"Even if I did, I don't tolerate her silly shenanigans and you can take your small little self...OUT!" Vladimir demanded.



"Whatever. Vlad do you treat all of your siblings this way?" I asked.

"What are you talking about! You're not even my-" Vlad stopped short and i smirked at him crossing my arms.


"No way."

"Way." I said giggling. He stared hard at me. It was too bad we were related now because I could really get used to him and I.

"Get out." Vlad said exasperated. I shrugged and wished he'd take his shirt off. I stared at him one more time before I begrudgingly walked out.

His eyes were definitely the color of his mother's and his hair was a mess of brown and blond mixed together in an adorable way. He was tall and lean with adorable black bushy eyebrows that were impossible to miss. He was perfect in every way and his face didn't have a single after shave hair on it. He was just so clean and perfect that it sent tingles down my spine.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad living here with all of these nice people. And hey, you never know, Maybe Vlad and I would be something in the future. If only Damon were there to help me out with seeing the future. As a youngster i was good at predicting things that would happen 10 minutes before it happened. Maybe when I get better I'll be able to see past 10 minutes and maybe even see past 10 years! WOAH girl! I reared my thoughts away from the future as dinner got stronger and stronger.

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