Over My Dead Body 5

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"What were you doing on the roof?" Holly threw on a tank top and a pair of low slung pants.

"What are you getting all dressed up for?" I retorted.

"School duh."

"What? It's July!" I said dumbly.

"Summer school? I don't know about you but I'm not about to stay back. Plus... you should be in like, kindergarten since you never went to school before." Holly combed through her bed head like she was raking leaves.

"So?" I said unconcerned.

"So...you should probably get dressed. Today's the first day." Holly gave up on her hair and tied it into a a messy side bun.

"Right. And what exactly am I wearing?" I asked.

"Until we go to the mall... Wear this." Holly reached onto her bed and threw me over of grey shorts and a grey tank top.

"Uh... OK" I hurried to the bathroom and showered. After my shower I threw on the clothes. Yuck. I looked like a skimpy little...

"Hurry up!" Holly called pounding on the door. I opened up the door.

"WHAT?" I snapped. Holly smirked at me and then walked away shrugging. Weirdo. I thought.

"I am not!" Holly yelled at me with fire burning in her olive green eyes. Was I thinking out loud?

"Are you a Vampire?!" I asked Holly. Holly faltered and then burst into a fit of laughter. It was like Vlad all over again. I huffed.

"Did you just....HAHAHAHAHA" Holly burst into another round of laughter. No way was I dealing with this again. I walked out of the room and bumped into Vlad.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked.

"Well can I visit my sister?"

"I am NOT your sister." I hissed at Vlad.

"I was talking about Holly." Vlad said exasperated.

I side stepped out of Vlad's way while keeping a wary eye on him.

"Don't worry. I don't bite." Vlad chuckled and walked into Holly's room. I shuddered. He did too bite and he knew it. No way will I ever be around him again!


"Have a good day!" Mrs. Donahue said hurriedly and then sped off in her green sports car.

"Well walk!" Vlad pushed me out the way and walked into the school. It was a BIG school. All capitols. I mean it must have hid Asia inside of it or something. Maybe it was because I've only ever been around small things that this school looked big. maybe it was just my imagination. I just thought it was big. Yea that's it!

I followed Vlad and Holly into the "small" school and it was like walking into a basketball game. Hundreds of students went to this school! I decided to open my senses and everyone's thoughts and feelings came rushing to me.

I hate this school!

My pants are too tight!

OH is Jason looking at me?

That wench Taylor is looking at Jason.

I'm starved.

Ah i stepped in crap again.

My belly hurts.

This school sucks.

Way too crowded in here.

I closed my senses. Not a good idea. Every person in this building was thinking and the rush of voices in my head wasn't very pleasant. I walked around absently following Vlad and Holly. I couldn't believe they were related. And I had Vlad's and Holly's personalities confused. Vlad was actually the social butterfly pounding everyone's hands and say "What's up?"

Holly was in the lead but only a select few said anything to her. She walked around the hallway with her head down and her eyes closed. I wanted to peep her thoughts but as soon as i opened my mind a tidal wave of noisy voices exploded in my head. I instantly shut them up by closing my mind. Holly walked into a classroom and Vlad walked into the boys' bathroom with a bunch of other guys.

That left me alone in this hallway of unfamiliar faces. Bodies crashed into mine and people pushed me out of their way as they walked by. I was a road block and I just had to get out of this stupid hallway. I found the nearest classroom and walked into it. It was empty except for a chair and a desk in the center of it. Wrong room, I thought.

I walked back into the noisy hallway and found the next nearest classroom. "Are you Isabel Donahue?" The teacher asked. Her class was empty besides two other early students. One of them was a girl with olive green eyes and wavy brown hair. She looked exactly like her dad as she sat there secretly texting. It was Holly. The other one was a boy with spiked up blond hair weird lightning blue eyes.

"Are you Isabel Donahue?" The teacher asked again.

"Oh...uh yea." I said recognizing how my last name was "Donahue".

"Great you can sit there right in front of Dacen." The teacher smiled at me. I nodded and gave a polite smile back out of habit.

I plopped down by the window in front Dacen.

"Hi." I turned and smiled at him.

"What?" He asked. His eyes flashed black and I shivered.

"What's up with your eyes?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"What's up with yours?" He spat back. I raised an eyebrow.

"Holly give me your mirror." I demanded of Holly. She handed it over without a word as she texted furiously.

I looked like I usually did. My honey brown hair was a curly mess as usual and my violet eyes looked like they usually did.

"Who wears contacts anymore?" Dacen asked shrugging.

"Contacts?" I didn't wear contacts. Yea my eyes weren't a normal color but I wasn't normal. I was an immortal. But at the same time violet eyes were pretty common in immortals so technically, my eyes were as normal as ever. "I don't wear contacts." I retorted.

"Look. I can tell they are because there's a darker color underneath." I really sat back and examined Dacen. His eyes were no longer lightning blue but they were now a hard hazel color. His eyes were rimmed by eye liner and it was kind of smudged. Like a raccoon. There were jagged cuts in Dacen's arms and he wore all black.

"What are you?" i asked carefully wording my sentance. For all I knew Dacen and his color changing eyes was a vampire or something.

"I'm a human being?" Dacen said it like i was stupid.

"No you're not because when I first saw you your eyes were blue and now they're...violet?" I looked hard at Dacen and I noticed my exact eye color.

"What the hell?" I asked.

Dacen blushed and i found my self blushing with him. "you tell me what you are first." He said. I sighed and got real close to Dacen's face.

"I'm an immortal." I whispered teasingly. I wans't joking but just in case he was a human and my eyes were playing tricks then he had to know i was playing. He sighed and got so close that our noses were touching. I stopped breathing as my heart sped up.

"I'm a halfling. Part human part shape shifter."


Ok hey guys heres chapter 5! WOOT! Hope you guys like it. I'm in a contest now so vote vote vote! Tell me what u guys think of Dacen :)Uh that's all Byezz XD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2011 ⏰

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