Step Four: Values and Religion

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Next up are values and beliefs, which go hand in hand. So what does your character value? These are some examples:







Childhood experiences come into play here. For example, if your character's family was poor, financial stability may be one of his/her values. There is no set number of values you should give your character; just play around with it and see what fits.

Now, not all fiction involves religion. In fact, I would say that most fiction does not. But if you're novel is historical fiction or set in modern day, your character is going to have some standpoint on religion, whether their view of it is good, bad, or indifferent, and that affects his/her style of living, and morals. So, take some time to decide how your character feels about religion, and what religion they follow, if they have one. Then look at how it affects them in the above mentioned ways. (Style of living, morals).

[My character values spirituality, family, and friends. She was raised Methodist and continues in the Methodist denomination].

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