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The half Xanax Cassie gave me really knocked me on my ass. When I woke up it was like 2am in the morning and I was asleep alone on the couch. Slowly I made my way to the kitchen and it felt like my head was in a fog. If it wasn't for a copy of the order of protection sitting on the kitchen table, I would have thought it was all a bad dream. But it wasn't, I'm now living my worst nightmare.

I tried to push it from my mind as I warmed up some left over pizza that was sitting on the table. After I finished a few slices my mind started to really fog again so I chugged some more water, used the bathroom and retired to my bed for the rest of the night. Tomorrow is a day game so I set an alarm for 10am to make sure I'm awake with enough time to get to the ice. I barely was able to make sure the alarm was set before I was out again.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm going off. It took me a while to be able to get going out of bed, the effects of the Xanax still present. When I was finally able to get my feet under me I walked into the living room and found Travis and Cassie sitting on the couch. They were both sipping some coffee while watching something on the TV. I was trying to get past them unnoticed but I hit the doorframe on my way out of the bedroom and their heads turned to me.

"How are you feeling?" Cassie asked as I walked over to them and sat in the middle of them on the couch.

"Like my head is in a fog, seriously how do you take a full pill?" I asked and leaned my head on her shoulder. Emotions be damned.

"A story for another day, Travis brought you a coffee. Also your mom called and said she managed to get out on an earlier flight so she will be here in a few hours." Cassie said and handed me the coffee cup.

"Also your coach called, he said he expects you to be in the stands cheering the team on before you go pick up your mom." Travis said.

"There's no way he will let me play today?" I asked deflated and took a few sips of the coffee.

"No, he doesn't want to run the risk of you getting drug tested and it coming back positive for the drug you're not supposed to be taking." Travis said and I sighed.

"What time is my mom's flight getting in?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"We need to leave for the airport around five with your moms flight scheduled to land a little after five. The airport is only 15 minutes from campus." Cassie said.

"What time are you leaving for your game?" I asked Travis.

"You're stuck with me all day; we are playing after your team so I don't have to be at the rink till later." Travis informed.

I didn't say anything but just continued to sip the lukewarm coffee, I didn't have the heart to say it wasn't hot anymore. I just continued to sit on the couch sandwiched between my best friend and my roommate. Nobody really spoke, after I finished my coffee, Travis pushed me to eat the omelet he made. After it was gone Cassie moved the blanket she was using to cover my legs as well and I leaned into her. Hunger sated and nothing else to do for now it didn't take long for my eyes to drop and I ended up asleep again.

When I woke up again it was to Cassie rubbing my shoulders. It took a few seconds for me to really wake up but when I did it felt like the fog lifted more than before. That's when I noticed that I was looking up at Cassie, while I was asleep they must have moved me and my head is resting in Cassies lap. I was going to get up quickly when Cassie's hand on my upper arm stopped me.

"Getting up to fast will make your head spin. We wanted to wake you up because it was getting closer to game time." Cassie said quietly. I didn't say anything but just tracked her eyes. The concern is still there but isn't as much as it was last night. I eventually nodded and slowly sat up on the couch. Travis wasn't on the couch when I righted myself and I was happy he wasn't as I have no doubts there is a blush on my cheeks.

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