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After the game was over we had to stick around the arena for a little while to do some media before we could head back to the hotel. When we got there our families who came down for the weekend were all waiting for us just inside the lobby. I came in towards the back of the group and got to watch most of my friend run off towards their families. It was really nice to see and it put a smile on my face.

            Just when I was about text my mom to see where they were, I saw a sign in towards the middle of the now crowded lobby that read Bertinelli, my number one. I followed the sign like a homing beacon and found Cassie standing with my mom, Alyssa and Travis, all waiting for me. I dropped my bag on the ground and took three giant steps and picked Cassie up and spun her around once. I could hear her laugh in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck to hold on. When I was done I put her down on the ground again and planted a big fat kiss on her lips.

            "Hi baby" I said and nudged her nose a little with my own.

            "Hi lover." Cassie said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before she broke away from me.

            I could barely get in a breath before mom almost tackled me in a hug. I held her just as tight as Cassie and lifted her off the ground. When her feet were on the ground again we pulled apart and I smiled at her. Mom was teary eyed and she put her hands on my cheeks. It took another second but then mom feel apart. She was crying hard and I just pulled her in and held her tight. It only took a few more second before I felt my own tears starting to fall.

            "I'm so sorry McKenna, I'm so so sorry." Mom said in my ear and I knew exactly what she was apologizing for. I pulled away from her shoulder to be able to look her eye in the eyes. I ran my thumbs under her eyes and tried to wiped away the tears she was sheading.

            "It's all over now. We are here, safe, healthy and happy. You have to stop apologizing, mom please." I said wanting her to believe me. Mom didn't say anything but just nodded and pulled me into another hug. This one didn't last so long; it was just to get a last little bit of comfort. When we pulled away from each other we wiped away our tears and I turned to Alyssa. She looked kind of stoic like she didn't know what to do right now so I just pulled her into a hug. It softened her up a bit but I know her and mom will have a conversation about this later behind closed doors.

            When we broke apart Travis came over all excited like a kid in a candy store and the tears I just shed were a distant memory. He pulled me into a tight hug and we got to celebrate together for a few moments before I pulled away. We did our hand shake and I almost started crying again because of how much I miss playing hockey with my best friend. When we were done, I took a look around the room and saw it was started to clear out. Most of the team was heading towards the ball room we have to get something to eat for dinner with their families in tow. So I took Cassie's hand in mine and nodded for the rest of my gang to follow behind us as we went and found a table in the ballroom.

            Getting to have dinner together with them all was a nice treat after the win. When we were all done eating, coach gave us a reprieve from watching game tape tonight to let us have time with our families but we are going to be spending a lot of tomorrow watching tape. Once coach was out of our hair the ball room kind of turned into a big family mixer. I got to meet Becca's parents and Stacey's siblings along with Toni's whole family who came down to watch her final tournament before graduation.

            As the night started to get later and later we all started to head up to our rooms. Travis went up to his room while Stacey took Cassie up to ours so I can get some time alone with my mom after what happened. Alyssa was quiet, she was watching more then saying but her hand was always attached to my mom somehow. If she would let go mom would reach out for her instead so I know that even after this conversation we are about to have, her and Alyssa are going to have their own later.

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