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"Two days. We haven't been out of here in two whole days. I'm going insane!" Ziva dropped back on her bed after making that grumbled statement.

Craig, who was lying on the floor reading the copies of the papers that Skylar had recreated from memory, looked up at her. "It's given me time to go through the notes in these papers. From what I can get out of them, they were never able to work out the problems with the formula. Even if Lenny gets his hands on some of it, it would end up killing most of the mutants he uses it on. How does that help him grow an army?"

"Maybe he has other plans?" Skylar said looking between them.

"Other plans? Like what Skylar, kill a few mutants so everyone else gets scared and joins his stupid army?" Ziva rolled to her side and propped her head in her hand, giving Skylar a skeptical look.

Skylar sighed. "He could be planning to wipe out us."

"Us?" Ziva asked.

"You know, the school and the X-Men." She shrugged.

Craig sat up, stacking the papers. "With Lenny, anything is a possibility."

Skylar took the papers from Craig and put them in her desk drawer. "Lenny was always kind of a jerk, but do you really think he'd kill other mutants to get everyone else to join him?"

"I have no idea. It's like we never really knew him. I don't know if what we knew about him was his real personality or some strange thing he came up with to make us like him," Craig said as he stood and stretched.

Skylar sighed heavily. "I still can't believe he did all of this. Yes, he was kind of a jerk, but he was still our friend." She looked at Craig. "I hope what we knew of him was real because if it wasn't it would just suck."

Ziva watched Craig as he stretched. Did he have to do that? It was becoming harder for her to ignore him. Dragging her eyes off Craig, she looked at Skylar. "So, what's our next move?"

"We figure out where to find Lenny and go after him," Craig answered her.

"Oh, right so we hope for a miracle," Ziva replied sarcastically.

Angela raced through the door. "Have you seen Logan?"

Ziva groaned, just what they needed, the curtain climbers riling Logan up. "No. What have you three done now?"

Angela sent her an innocent look. "Nooothing."

"Right, I believe that like I believe Lenny will become a Saint in the next five minutes."

Mellissa—followed by Stevie—both came racing into the room. "Angela, the Big Bad Wolf is on the prowl! We have to go before he starts huffing and puffing! Move, Little Red, move!"

A faint roar sounded from downstairs and the three raced from the room. Craig groaned. "Great, they've ticked Logan off. We'll never get out of here without him seeing us. He's probably prowling the building looking for those three."

"We aren't going anywhere anyway because we have no idea where Lenny even is!" Skylar pointed out.

"Good point."

Ziva was about to agree with Craig when Mellissa came running back into the room.

"We have an issssue!" she told them.

"An issue? What kind of issue?" Ziva asked her.

"The kind of issue where that A'Cadia chick is in the living room."

"You let her into the building?" Ziva bellowed at her.

"Well, she rang the doorbell, so yeah I did. Storm taught us to be polite. Are you gonna go talk to her or should I lead Logan to her?"

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