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Craig grumbled under his breath and stalked up and down the aisle of the tour bus.

"Craig, baby, cop a squat we're almost there."

He sent a look over at Frank, uh, he couldn't remember the guy's real name. He couldn't remember any of the names of the eight guys that sat on the small bus. He'd run into them at the Mall of America while trying to find someone to help him contact the school and get him home. They had been finishing up a show to promote the opening of a new store, classic memorabilia, or something. He didn't know and he didn't care. All that mattered to him was getting home. These guys were heading in the direction he needed to go and offered him a ride. But after this long on a tour bus with eight Frank Sinatra impersonators—who insisted on staying in character—he was going a little insane.

"I just want to get home. My friends need me."

Frank sighed. "Understood, we're almost there."

Craig nodded and stared out the window. He was intensely glad when the school finally came into view and he could exit the bus.


"I know where Ziva is!" Stevie came running into the room tripped over the edge of the area rug and fell flat on his face. He groaned and rolled over onto his back. "Oh no, my iPad!" Quickly he checked it, made a relieved sound, and held it up for everyone to see. "Dude it's fine!"

A'Cadia rolled her eyes. "Where's Ziva?"

He pulled himself off the floor and hugged his iPad. "Umm, it's a PEZ factory downtown."

"A PEZ factory? What on Earth is Lenny doing at a PEZ factory?" Skylar asked with a little giggle.

"Actually, it's an abandoned PEZ factory, I mean if you wanna get technical." Stevie shrugged.

"It's still a PEZ factory!" A'Cadia said with a snort.

Craig shook his head. "How do you know he's there?"

"Oh, I put a tracking device on Ziva before the battle started. To tell the truth, I put one on everyone. I'm sneaky that way."

Mellissa started spinning in a circle like a dog chasing its tail. "Where, where, where?"

"Idiot, I put it on your shoulder! It's not on your butt! Eww, why would I put it there?" Stevie made a face at her.

"I thought it was on my back!" She patted at her shoulder until she found it and handed it back to Stevie. "There ya go."

"Thanks." He shoved it up his nose.

"Oh gross!" Skylar shuddered.

"Let's just go find Ziva before Lenny does something to her!"

Craig became suddenly pale. "What do you think he'll do to her?"

A'Cadia shrugged. "Don't know. Brainwash her into joining his side."

Mellissa headed for the door. "A'ight. Let's do this X-Men style!"

"X-Men style?" Skylar arched an eyebrow at her.

Mellissa stopped in the doorway and sent her an exasperated look. "Duh! Yes! We can get you down to the "restricted" level and then we can take the jet to go get her!"

Angela spoke up from across the room where she was practicing her ballet. "Oh yeah, and I have outfits for everyone too!"

"Outfits? What kind of outfits?" Craig asked her.

"Dur what kind do you think? Ones just like the X-Men wear!"

"Wait, how on Earth would you get those?" Craig stared across the room at her.

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