Part 1: Forever

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Seabound finale spoilers!!

"I never thought it would hurt so much..."



Raindrops gracefully emerged from the black clouds above, barely visible in the night sky. They fell one by one. No moonlight was visible. No bright dots. Just dark, depressing clouds. All the birds had gone to sleep, gone home to their families and homes. That's what he wished he had right now.

Every drop that kissed his skin, every tear that ripped away from his eye, every hair that blew in the calm wind... it hurt.

"I thought losing you would be easier but... but... I was so wrong."

His mind was spiralling and spinning, he could barely think. One minute he was thinking about the happy and positive side and then next, the complete opposite. It was uncontrollable. Undeniable.

Heart aching.

Light headed.

Throat sore.

Why was the universe so cruel?

"I know that 2 weeks is... a long time..."

Why couldn't it all have been a dream? Something he'd wake up shaking and terrified from but relieved that it was all over. Relieved that he wasn't alone. Why couldn't it all have ended happily? This wasn't supposed to be a tragedy story. It was supposed to end with them both hand in hand, saying goodbye to their children - and maybe even grandchildren - before passing over to the afterlife.



"It feels like forever."

Another drop, trickling down his cheek, the same spot he'd been kissed by her soft lips as she said her goodbye to him. That kiss... washed away for all of eternity.

"Why did you have to leave?"

He couldn't believe it. Every day he hoped he'd awake from the warm cocoon of his blue sheets and memory foam mattress, seeing her stood in his doorway, a wide smile on her face, ready to drag him out of that cloud of contentment. But, just like always, it had been a figure of his imagination.

"Why couldn't you see how hurt I was? Why couldn't you have just stayed?"

It's like the world had handed him the "sadness card" - a free pass for him to sob continuously. They say that behind sadness hides anger but that was the only thing he wasn't feeling. Anger.How could he be mad at the one he loved? Crying was the cleaning of the soul. The cleaning of the mind when it was in pain. Except this was so much more than just pain. It was so much more than hurt.


Thinking about their last moments together made his heart break. He didn't get the chance to say goodbye to her properly. He'd expected her to stay and they could work things out together. The only thing he wanted was for them to be together. It's the only thing that would fix him now that he was broken. But seeing her jump off that edge into the endless sea... he felt helpless. Had he not been persuasive enough? Had he not been a good enough reason to stay?

"What are you talking about?" Kai questioned his sister, "You're not going anywhere."

That's what the fire ninja hadn't understood. He was right, they weren't going anywhere, but Jay knew exactly what she meant when she said she'd remember them. And there was no way he was going to let that happen. Not now.

"Nya, stop, wait, listen!" He chased after her, desperate.

As she headed towards the edge of the building they'd previously been hiding in, Jay felt himself panic. This was the last thing he ever wanted. He needed to stop her before she regretted it.

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