Part 2: Ocean

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It was quiet this time of night. The sun set gracefully, the clouds loomed over carefully and the birds chirped calmly. The only ones around at this time were the endless amount of seagulls. They'd sit there squawking away to their hearts content. Evenings were their favourite. But it was also someone else's favourite too.

Every night the master of lightning came here. It was a special place. He deliberately avoided going in the day as there were usually so many people around. The last thing he wanted was for people to be asking questions.

But the more he came to this harbour, the closer he felt to her. As the sun set over the horizon, he made his way down the stone steps. It was quite cold, which was normal when being by the sea. It was relaxing.

3 weeks he'd been coming here. The residents were used to it. They'd never questioned him; neither had his teammates. He'd been more distant than ever with them. The only person he'd ever really speak to was Cole and even then it wasn't much. The more time that passed, the more apparent it became to him that he spent the majority of his time with his love. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with his friends, because of course he did, but he'd rather be alone than be accompanied by someone else. 

The only one he needed right now was her.

That's why he was here.

He stopped, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. It still felt weird to be able to breathe properly. It felt like it had been so much longer than 5 hours that he had that water in his lungs. He knew he was on the verge of death, and not that he thought about it, would it have been such a bad thing if he'd known what was coming next? 

Even though he was now saved and better... why did he still feel as if he was drowning?

He sat down on the edge of the harbour wall, the water slowly rising up with every wave. His heart broke with every drop that hit his foot. It's like she was really there. He smiled, taking in yet another sacred breath. Reaching down, he gently ran his index finger across the top of the water, a calm sensation flowing through his body.

For once, his mind was finally clear. The only time when that ever happened was when he was here with the ocean. When he was here with her. Nothing else mattered. No villains. No family. No controlling friends or senseis. Just... him and the ocean.

The fresh sea air filled his lungs, relaxing him and making him feel at one with this world once again. He hadn't felt that in a long time.

He knew that growing too attached to the water wasn't healthy. He knew had to move on. But he couldn't. It was too hard. He had depended on her for everything. He had depended on her to make him happy. Now that she was gone, how would he be that joyful, excitable person he once was? 


His voice was soft and gentle, a little different from before. Ever since he'd lost her, he'd barely spoken. Maybe because of his heartbreak, he couldn't even bring himself to talk so when he did, it was quiet and not much. That was unless he was talking to her. 

He smiled, "Cole tried to make me go shopping with him again today."

He'd sit there over night time and just rant to her about random things. Mostly about what had happened that day. It may not have been exciting but at least he could get it off his chest. He didn't even care if she was listening or not.

"I declined again..." He sighed, "I just... can't bring myself to go anywhere in public."

The disappointment in himself grew and grew each day. 

What if she was there wishing he'd leave already? 

It didn't matter. What did matter was that he finally felt complete again when he was here... when he thought he was talking directly to her.

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