Part 4: Future

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As days passed, it became easier. Not being able to feel anything was normal now. It was always the same thing; just aching. It was like when you pulled a muscle and it would hurt for a few days, except his heart never stopped hurting. It was continuous. 

He felt numb now. Every small thing that used to hurt him didn't matter anymore. He couldn't get hurt by the things that never stopped hurting him. A few days ago, he found a picture from a few years ago and it was still plastered in his mind no matter how hard he tried to forget it. 

He was broken.

He was trying his best. But trying wasn't enough. Even the team were trying to make him feel better but the only thing that would make him feel better... was gone forever. Would he be like this for that long too? 

Rather than running away to the harbour, he'd spend most of his time in his bedroom now. It had been 7 months since she left and visiting the harbour every day was tiring. He didn't mind walking all that way to sit there for a few hours, talking away at the ocean. But it was more the fact that he didn't want to talk Nya's ears off. That's if she could even hear him. She could've been long gone. 

People always told him that it'd get easier over time but this wasn't what they meant. They didn't mean that he wouldn't feel anything anymore. They meant he could move on, which was the last thing he thought about doing. He couldn't. It was too hard. Besides, Nya was the love of his life. How could someone be so selfish as to ask him to move on from her? 

He'd constantly had nightmares. He used to have them all the time, mostly after the alternate timeline took place. They'd only just begun to resurface though and the worst thing was that he had no one to talk to about it. It had all been kept a secret. He couldn't wake up, shaking and crying and run into Nya's arms anymore. It wasn't possible. And it hurt so damn much.

He wondered why he hadn't passed out yet. The amount of pain and suffering his heart was going through was unbearable at most times so why hadn't it just stopped? Surely it wouldn't be able to cope, right? He'd rather have his heart fail on him than have to suffer anymore. It's not like anyone would care. 

This aching... it needed to stop. He couldn't take it anymore.

Nya was gone forever and he just couldn't admit it. She'd never come back. He'd never turn around and see her bright smile again. He wouldn't hear her calming voice anymore. All he had was memories and even then they weren't enough. 

He needed her. 

But what confused him the most was what he'd seen all those years ago. That one thing that had gotten his hopes up. He knew what he saw. It was right in front of him. The reflection of him and his love snuggled up together, wrinkles on their faces, love in their eyes and wearing some really cool outfits, had told him that they'd have a future together. 

They didn't.

That stupid "future" reflection was what was causing him so much pain. The fact that he'd actually believed that he and Nya could grow old, fight crime together and start their own family made him feel so stupid. Why had he trusted it? 

And Nya believed it too.

"Oh Jay," She glanced up at him, "This is the reason."

The two had been running for days and days, desperately hoping they wouldn't get found. Except they'd made such a stupid mistake and ended up revealing where they were and now Nadakhan and his crew were here to take Nya way for good. 

They were trapped in the secret room under the lighthouse. The pirates were behind the door, trying their best to break through. Jay and Nya were on the other side, panicking and wondering what to do. They wanted to make their quick escape before it was too late but there wasn't enough travellers tea for the both of them. Jay was determined to protect the one he loved.

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