Part 6: Wish

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He shot up from the bed, practically panting. His head hurt. His palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy. Closing his eyes for a moment, he tried to focus his thoughts onto what was important. He needed sleep.

After managing to calm down a little, he reopened his eyes to see that the room was pitch black. He mustn't have noticed when he awoke suddenly. Glancing around the room, he spotted the cheap alarm clock on his desk in the corner of the room. 3:42am. 

Sighing, he looked out the window on the other side of the room. The only thing he saw was bright light coming from the streetlamp outside. He sighed and slowly got out of bed, making his way over to the open window. He took in a breath of fresh air and listened to the sound of the rain tapping against the glass pane and hard floor outside. 

It was relaxing.

However, there was no way he was going back to sleep after that nightmare. Instead of heading back to his, probably sweat-ridden, bed, he decided to put his trainers on and head into the main room. A cold breeze hit his face as he entered. After quietly closing his bedroom door, he headed over to the kitchen area and put the kettle on. Maybe having a nice hot cup of tea would cheer him up.

It'd been exactly a year since he'd lost her. Everyone thought he'd be better by now, even he himself thought it, but he hadn't changed since the fourth month. He could tell the team were getting fed up of taking care of him. Speaking of the team, a few days prior, they had to head out on a mission and agreed that it would be better for Jay to stay behind for this one. Although, Cole managed to talk Jay into staying with his parents for a while since it wasn't safe for him to stay home alone.

Jay loved spending time with his parents. They always knew how to cheer him up. But one thing that Jay hated about being away from the Monastery was the fact that he couldn't go to Nya's room if he wanted to, especially when he was really missing her.

The sound of the kettle finishing boiling startled Jay a little. He sighed and continued to make his tea before making his way to the front door of the caravan. Opening it, he was hit with an even more refreshing breeze. Stepping outside and closing the door behind him, he smiled at the feeling of the rain patting against his warm skin. He felt like he was home.

He sat down in the chair outside, resting his hot cup of tea in his lap and looking up at the cloudy night sky. It was perfect.

But then he began to remember why he was even here. Why wasn't he asleep? Right... that stupid nightmare he'd kept having.. It wasn't even a recent thing. He'd been having that same nightmare for years and yet it still wasn't going away. It was so tiring.

He should've been used to it by now. 

"It only hurts a djinn, but it's fatal to her," Zane rushed over, followed by the rest of the team.

"Only... one wish Jay..." His croaky voice spoke from behind, "What a dilemma.."

The pure evil in his voice... The smirk on his face... It made Jay angry. That stupid djinn was the cause of all this. He was reason Jay had lost his friends, been tortured for days on end, had his childhood ruined, and was now the reason that the love of his life was laying weak in his arms.

"Wish me mortal and she dies," He continued, "Wish her well and there is no stopping me."

He was barely listening to what Nadakhan was saying. The only thing he could focus on was the dying girl in his, equally weak, arms. After all the pain he went through these past days, he finally thought things would get better. Oh he was so wrong.

He glanced down at the green venom on her chest, it was such an ugly colour. The thought of him being the reason that they even got the venom in the first place made him mentally punch himself. Why couldn't he have just failed? 

Nadakhan failing didn't even make him happy right now. There was nothing in this world that could make the lightning ninja happy except for his love being well. But she wasn't.

He took her hand, trying to seem strong to make her feel better. It was so hard. His head hurt like hell and his chest was heavy. He felt like he was going to pass out. But he needed to be there for her. 

She squeezed his hand and gave him a brief but weak smile, "You have to make your last wish... You're the only one who can stop him..."

"No..." He responded, his voice shaky, "Not if that means losing you."

That was the last thing he wanted. He didn't care about some stupid wish right now. That was pretty ironic considering the fact the wishes were the only things he wanted a week ago. But now he only wanted to go back in time and make sure he didn't make that first wish. If only he hadn't been such a moron.

"I never wanted to be part of your boys club anyway," She smiled again, raising her hand to his face and gently stroking his cheek.

He held her tightly, not wanting to let go. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to her. He was never going to be ready to say goodbye to her. Caring for her was the only thing he'd ever done and he wasn't going to give up. Not now. Not ever.

All he ever wanted was her.

"No, Nya," He tried to keep calm but all he wanted to do was breakdown, "don't say that."

"Guess it's true," She took a deep breath, not wanting to miss telling him anything, "The greatest love stories... do always end in tragedy..."

Jay held her hand tighter as her eyes closed and her head fell to the side, just managing to hold it up. His heart dropped. He felt like he was going to pass out. 

She was gone.

She was really gone.

The love of his life was laying dead in his arms. He was only a teenager. He didn't need to experience this at a young age. He didn't need to experience it at all. 

His mental pain was finally worse than his physical pain.

He gently rested his head on hers, holding her closer to him. His eyes also closed, a tear falling slowly. 

This was all his fault.

Nadakhan raised behind, picking up his sword and slowly began to make his way to the group. He still wanted to end Jay and Jay didn't blame him. But at this point he didn't care what was happening behind him. He just wanted Nya back.

His mind was blank but... 

"I wish... you had taken my hand... and no one ever found that teapot in the first place..."

He didn't even realise he'd made his final wish. He never even thought about it that way. But he was glad he did.

A drop of rain brought him back to reality. The liquid remained on his nose for a moment before it soaked in and Jay looked back up at the sky. How long had he been sat there for? How long was he thinking for?

Then he glanced down at his now-cold tea. He sighed and looked out at the ground in front of him. 

What hurt most was that this time... there was no chance of her coming back. And now he really wanted Nadakhan to be around so he could make the wish he should've made years ago.

He just wanted to wish it all away.

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