I'll Do It

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I saw them making the same mistakes again. I knew the project was going to end in disaster ... again. Ordinarily, I did not care if our offering was not a good one, but the Overlord was personally touring the villages.

Slowly, I uncoiled from my spot in the back. A dent worn into the soft earth from my constant visitation during these to dos. At first, they continued to mumble and stumble their way around the table attempting to discern the best way to begin. Brock noticed my approach first.

"Eh, you coming over to poke fun at us like you normally do? We havent even started yet?"

Every synapse in my being screamed to make a snide remark but I would need to pull them together into a team if we were going to win. I needed them to vote me the leader. For once the prize for best project was worth my time. Overlord Varna was making a royal from the winning project leader. I needed out of my dent in the earth. I smiled, "What are you working on?"

They looked at each other in confusion. Brock stood a bit taller. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well this project sounded interesting from over there, but if you dont want my help I guess I can go sit back down."

"Uh, no, wait. We need to make a model of a flying contraption. Overlord thinks he can figure out how to fly I guess."

I turned, counting my footfalls as the table receded behind me.

"Wait, please. We know with your help we can win. Please, help us. You know how to do things."

A smile touched my lips then vanished before I turned. "Fine, Ill do it, but we have to work as a team."

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