My Hometown

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"I got you!"

    "Ouch! What in the heck did you do that for?"

    Sean beamed, "Well, you're not wearing green."

    "What does that have to do with you hurting me? That's going to leave a bruise."

    "It's just a pinch. I mean c'mon it's St. Pat's Day. You have to wear green or else!"

    Sarah's flame red hair tossed over her shoulder, her eyes burned a portal to hades through Sean's face. "So, I'm going to have a bruise for two weeks because of some stupid tradition? That's not the way it is in my hometown."

    Sean took a few steps back. "Well, your arm might be red for a few minutes, but I think you're being a bit dramatic. I mean, just wear some freaking green then you don't have to worry about it."

    "First of all, I'm not from here. I know nothing of this weird green tradition you seem to be obsessed with. Second –– ." Sarah pulled her sleeve up to reveal an angry black and red bruise that appeared to be spreading by the moment. "It is serious to me and this WILL last for weeks!"

    "I didn't do that."

    "You did, you idiot. It's called taking responsibility for your actions or perhaps you humans aren't familiar with the concept."

    "Idiot ... I didn't know a simple pinch would ... wait, you said humans. What did you mean?"

    Some of the fury drained from Sarah's features, she turned away, rested her head lightly against the wall. "Well, I told you when we first met, I wasn't from around here."

    "Sarah, where are you from? Like Alaska, Norway, Timbuktu?"

    "Not exactly. A little further. Given your current technological advancement, my place of origin is about eighty thousand years worth of travel."


    "Proxima Centauri is my home system. But your planet kept sending out so many fun tv shows, radio programs and those adorable cat videos I had to come see for myself. Then, I found ... you."

    Sean took a few tentative steps closer. "What do you mean?"

    "I was prepared to leave, I was going to make the return trip, but we met that day when I was on my way
Sean turned in a slow circle before his eyes, body, entire focus settled on Sarah. "By met you mean when you ran into me and spilled hot coffee all over my favorite green shirt?"

Sarah's face mottled, she turned away again. "I apologized. That's one custom I figured out rather quickly. Seems I'm quite accident prone."

Gently, Sean cupped Sarah's face, his eyes searched deep into her own, finding depths he was prepared to swim. "Sarah, I don't care where you're from, to me and all of your friends you're perfect. That's part of being human too. People make mistakes, but it's their faults that make them human. You might be one of us
Sarah's smile lit her eyes with a thousand sunrises. "Only if you promise no more pinches, lots of snuggle and a lifetime supply of cat videos."

Sean laughed, "Done."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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