As Long As Were Together

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Cowering in the arch of a burnt-out doorframe Theo and Claire tried to angle themselves out of the wind and rain. Fire was out of the question, the light, maybe even the smoke would draw them in. Theo wrapped an arm around Claire, felt her shiver against him when the damp cold of their clothes pressed together. The resulting warmth spread along his side like rolling over on a sunlit beach. For a moment he was lost in revelry until he realized Claire was speaking to him.

"What are we doing to do now?"

He wanted to shrug but knew that was the wrong thing to do. He needed to fool himself and to fool her. "We uh, we need to get out of the city. There it might be safe to light a fire. There may even be others who have escaped the Rangers."

Claire pulled a few sodden strands of hair out of her eyes and blinked up at him with a level of trust he did not deserve. "You got us out of the prison camp. I wish we didnt have to leave Jerry behind."

Jerry. Jerry, that he had pushed back down the shaft to slow down the Rangers. Jerry who was promised to Claire, but not if he was dead. "Yeah, I tried to catch him. Ill never get over the look in his eyes as he fell. I'm sorry."

Claire wrapped her other arm around Theo, warmth suffused him now despite the chill. She whispered sleepily into his side, "So, we get out of the city, and then, what?"

"I dont know but as long as were together I know we can make it."

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