Chapter 15: A deal is made

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AN: If any of you guys prefer AO3 I am posting this story there also (I have no idea how it works so please leave tips in the comments! I love you all so much

3rd person POV

Kara continues working out to keep her mind off Alex but the silence doesn't last long.

"Geez Louise! What got her goat huh?" Kara sets the barbell down and looks behind her to see a man she doesn't recognize lounging on her pull-up bar. 

Lex doesn't stay there for long he disappears in a cloud of smoke appearing right next to Kara as he says "Baboom. Name is Lex, Lord of the Dead." before shoving his hand in Kara's face for a handshake "Hi. How ya doin'?"

Kara ignores him and moves over to a seat of even bars to do dips as she says "Not now." 

Lex poofs into a handstand on the bars as he says "Hey, hey. I only need a few seconds and I'm a fast talker, all right?" as he moves closer and closer to Kara. "I've got this major deal in the works. A real estate venture, if you will. And Kara, you little devil you. May I call you Kar?" He sighs dramatically "You seem to be constantly getting in the way of it."

Kara rolls her eyes and moves away from the god as she says "You've got the wrong girl."

Lex loses his temper and pulls Kara back by her shirt as he says "Hear me out, ya little..." He calms himself "Just hear me out okay?" Lex straightens Kara's toga out as he says "So I would be eternally grateful if you would just take a day off from this hero business of yours." Lex slings his arm over Kara's shoulder forcing her to walk with him "I mean, monsters, natural disasters. You wait a day, okay?"

Kara shoves him away and says "You're out of your mind" starting to get annoyed. 

"Not so fast, because, ya see," Lex says as he stops Kara once again "I do have a little leverage you might wanna know about."

Lex snaps his fingers creating a cloud of smoke 20 yards behind them that disappears revealing Lena standing. 

"Lena!" Kara yells concern evident in her tone. 

"Don't listen, Kar..." but Lena is cut off by clouds of smoke circling her body and covering her mouth so she couldn't speak. 

Kara runs to her but Hades snaps her out of the arena. 

Kara spins anger radiating off her body as she yells "Let her go!"

Lex dodges Kara's punch and says "Here's the trade-off. You give up your strength for about 24 hours, okay? Say the next 24 hours." He gestures to the stands making Lena appear once again still restrained. "And Lena here is free as a bird and safe from harm." He speeds his tone up a bit because he was in a bit of a time crunch "We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy." Kara is looking at Lena and doesn't notice the glint in Lex's eyes. "What d'ya say? Come on."

"People are gonna get hurt, aren't they?" Kara says not realizing how true that is. 

Lex waves her off "Nah! I mean it's a possibility. It happens 'cause, you know it's war. But what can I tell ya? Anyway, what do you owe these people?" He poofs next to Lena and grabs her by the face as he says "Isn't Lena, little smoochy face, isn't she more important than they are?"

"Stop it!" 

"Isn't she?" Lex adds while Lena tries to will Kara not to agree with her eyes. 

It doesn't work. "You've gotta swear she'll be safe from any harm."

Lena slumps defeated looking away from Kara "Fine okay. I'll give you that one." Lex forces her to look back at Kara "Lena is safe, otherwise you get your strength right back. Yadda yadda. Fine print. Boilerplate." He moves to Kara and offers her his hand as he says "Okay? Done. What d'ya say we shake on it?" with an evil smirk. When Kara doesn't shake right away he adds "Hey, I really don't have, like, time to bat this around. I'm kind of on a schedule here. I got plans for August. Okay? I need an answer, like now." His hair flashes red before turning back to blue as he adds "Going once," Kara looks at Lena to see her shaking her head no but doesn't comprehend it because Lex says "Going twice..."

"All right!" Kara yells taking his hand. 

"Yes, we're there! Bam!" Lex yells excitedly as their hands start glowing. 

Kara immediately feels her strength leave her body as Lex forces her to her knees. 

Lena's eyes widen and she tries to call out to her. 

Lex grins as he says "You may feel just a little queasy. It's kinda natural." Kara tries to get to her feet but her knees are weak. Lex uses his magic to lift a large barbell and throws it into Kara as he says "Maybe you should sit down!" 

Lena grunts against the gag as Kara is thrown back by the previously lightweight. 

Kara tries to get up from under it as Lex says "Now you know how it feels to be just like everybody else. Isn't it just peachy?" in an evil tone. 

Lex laughs really loudly as he says "Oh! You'll love this. One more thing." He poofs next to Lena as he releases her bonds "Lena, babe, a deal's a deal. You're off the hook." He turns his attention to Kara as Lena catches her breath "And by the way, Kar, is she not a fabulous little actress?" Dread fills Kara as she sits up. 

"Stop it," Lena says trying to shove Lex away. 

"What do you mean?" Kara questions. 

"I mean your little chickie-poo here was working for me all the time." Lena stops struggling. "Duh."

"You're... You're lying!" Kara says. 

The two little boys show up and the taller starts coughing as he yells "Help!" 

The shorter one says "Jeepers, mister, you're really strong." as he yanks Kara's arm down before both turn into their demonic forms.

Lex holds Lena's chin in he hand as he says "Couldn't have done it without you, sugar, sweetheart, babe."

Lena shoves Lex away and says "No! It's not like that." before she runs up to Kara "I didn't mean to... I couldn't ...I..." Kara lightly moves Lena's arms away anger replacing her sadness barely hearing Lena say "I'm so sorry."

Kara walks away from Lena as the two demons dance around her and sing "Our hero's a zero! Our hero's a zero!" 

Tears fall down Lena's cheeks as James dumps water on Kara who just collapsed on the ground. 

"Well, gotta blaze," Lex says as he poofs his carriage into the stadium "There's a whole cosmos up there waiting for me with, hey, my name on it." Before laughing loudly. Lena starts to walk closer to Kara but she collapses to her knees as well "So much for the preliminaries, and now on to the main event!" 

The planets are finally in line.... 

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