Chapter 14: The Truth

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ANL Hey sorry! I have been having writer's block and it is really hard for me to find the energy to write but I am trying.

Last Time

"At least out loud" Lena sings as she bends down and picks it up carefully "I won't say I'm in love" before taking a seat by the fountain once again.

This Time (3rd Person POV) 

Lena sighs happily as she twiddles the finger between her fingers not noticing the statue behind her turning red from extreme heat before splitting in half. 

The god of the dead sprouts out of it and lounging on the deformed metal as he says "Hey, what's the buzz, huh Le?" He uses his magic to poof himself a cigar to smoke "What is the weak link in wonderwomans chain?"

Lena spins and glares at Lex as she says "Get yourself another girl. I'm through" 

Lex chuckles lightly as he says "I'm sorry. Do you mind runnin' that by me again? I must have had a chunk of brimstone wedged in my ear or something-"

"Then read my lips! Forget it." Lena says anger evident in her voice as she walks away from Lex. 

"Lena, Lena, Lena, my sweet deluded little minion," Lex says as he poofs in front of Lena "Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail?" He loses his temper and yells "I OWN YOU!" 

Neither notices the short Saytr waking up with a probable concussion in a nearby bush. "I got another horn here," Alex says as she rubs a bump on her head. 

But Alex's focus quickly moves to the nearby voice that is saying "You work for me."

Alex moves some bushes aside as she hears "If I say 'Sing,' you say, 'Hey, name that tune.'" Coming from the god of death who was talking to Lena to her surprise. "If I say, 'I want wonder women's head on a platter you say..."

"Medium or well-done." Lena finishes begrudgingly.

Alex is too shocked to hear her tone as she whispers "Oh! I knew that dame was trouble. This is gonna break the kid's heart." sadly before running off to find Kara. 

"I'll work on that" Lena says while glaring at Lex. 

"I'm sorry. You hear that sound?" Lex sats ignoring Lena completely "That's the sound of your freedom fluttering out the window forever."

Kara's eyes flash in Lena's mind as she says "I don't care. I'm not gonna help you hurt her."

"I can't believe you're getting so worked up about some girl."

"This one is different. She's honest, and she's sweet..." 


"She would never do anything to hurt me!" Lena sees Lex roll his eyes at her but ignores it as she says "Besides, O oneness, you can't beat him," in a smug tone. "She has no weaknesses. She's gonna..." She turns but loses her voice when she sees the wicked smile on Lex's face as he moves closer to her. 

"I think she does, Lena. I truly think she does." Lena shivers at his tone as he grabs the flower from her hands burning it in a flash. 


Alex enters the stadium hearing Kara cheering loudly and as Alex moves closer she sees the blonde running easy laps. 

Alex pets Pegasus as she sadly sees Kara vaulting and doing cartwheels. 

"Hey, Alex! What happened to you?" Kara says in a cheery voice. 

Alex feels like shit for breaking her bubble but knows she has too "Kid, we gotta talk," 

Kara completely ignores Alex and throws her into the air as she says "Alex, I just had the greatest day of my life!" she catches her teacher before jumping onto a pair and spinning around as she says "I can't stop thinking about Lena." She lays down on the bar with a sigh "She's something else."

Alex finally shakes off her daze from the throw and says "Kid, I'm tryin' to talk to ya! Will you come down here and listen?" as she starts losing her temper. 

"Aw how can I come down there when I'm feeling so up?" Kara calls out as she jumps high into the air.

Alex and Kara are both too distracted to notice a slight whistle but Pegasus does hear it. 

The horse's attention moves to another beautiful female horse. 

The female horse encourages Pegasus forward and into a storage room. 

Pegasus charges forward and after the horse following her into the storage room. 

Pegasus's daze disappears when the horse splits in two. 

Pegasus tries to run away but the two halves turn into two demons who quickly tie up the flying horse as they yell "Gotcha!" 

Alex and Kara both don't notice what was happening as Alex yells "Ah, very nice! What I'm tryin' to say is..."

"That if it wasn't for you, I never would have met her," Kara says as she finally lands next to Alex. "Oh, I owe ya big time," Kara says as she gives Alex a nuggie. 

"Will you just knock it off for a couple of seconds?" Alex says shoving Kara away. 

Kara ignores Alex as she says "Rule number 38. Come on Phil. Keep them up there, huh?" as she mimes fighting her teacher who was about two seconds away from snapping "Alex, I got two words for ya, duck!" 

"Listen to me! She's..."

"A dream come true?"

"Not exactly."

"More beautiful than Aphrodite?"

"Aside from that!" 

"The most wonderful..."

Alex loses it and yells "SHE'S A FRAUD!" that catches Kara's attention. Kara frowns as Alex continues yelling "She's been playin' ya for a sap!"

"Aw, come on. Stop kiddin' around." Kara says waving Alex off. 

"I'm not kiddin' around."

"I know you're upset about today, but that's no reason to..." 

"Kid, you're missin' the point-"

"The point is, I love her." Kara snaps. 

"She don't love you." Alex snaps back. 

"You're crazy."

"She's nothin' but a two timin'..."

"Stop it!" 

"No-good, lyin', schemin'..."

"SHUT UP!" Kara says spinning not noticing how close Alex was to her ending with the short redhead being sent flying into a nearby rack of weights. 

Kara gasps and regret mixed with guilt fills her chest as she says "Alex. I..." Alex loses all of her resolve as she stands up and dusts herself off. "I'm sorry" 

"Okay, okay, that's it. You won't face the truth? Fine." Alex says as she starts walking toward the exit of the stadium. 

"Alex, wait. Where are you going?" Kara says as she walks toward her teacher.

"I'm hoppin' the first barge out of here. I'm goin' home" Alex says in a tired tone. 

Anger fills Kara as she says "Fine! Go! I don't... I don't need you." as she starts doing bench presses.

Alex sighs sadly as she looks back at Kara and whispers "I thought you were gonna be the all-time champ, not the all-time chump." before leaving completely as the fire lighting the arena shuts off. 

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