virignia, why

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Chris loudly runs through the halls with no regard to what other people may think of him. He is dedicated to meeting this Velez, Virgin. And nothing will stop him. He finds the door after 15 minutes of searching and kicks it down even though it was unlocked.

"Oh, hi. You must be... Chris?"

"Yeah, Chris. Chris Brussels."


He finds an empty seat and everyone scoots their desk 5.4 inches away from him, a new record! Chris goes in his bag to get a writing utensil but is shocked to find a love letter instead. We'll get to that later... the more important issue is, how will he do work for this important class without a pencil?

"Mom- I mean, Ms. Velez?" Chris accidentally calls Virgin Mom! Wow! What a despairing turn of events!
"Ah, that's fine, you can call me mom. What's up?" Virgin says as she seductively sways over to Chris' desk.

"Uh- I need a pencil. Please." Chris stutters. What's it with all the teachers flirting with him? He's incredibly ugly and doesn't even have a winning personality. He must be lucky!

Chris has Daddy IssuesWhere stories live. Discover now