Chapter One: Part II

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"Crap! I forgot my wallet," Joss said, patting her pockets. "I must have left it in the car." She continued on as I dazed at my surroundings. The Box Office was to my right, the concession stand was to my left, and up a small flight of stairs there was a small gift shop. People were scattered around eating popcorn and sipping drinks. The aroma of the room was a mixture of popcorn and sanitary spray. "Will you?" I looked at Joss. I raised both eyebrows looking at her. "Will you go get my wallet? Here," she said, dropping the keys in my bag.

I didn't really have a choice, so I nodded. My feet took me towards the large front doors. Nic had a wallet. Why would my sister need hers? I shook it off and put my small ear buds in my ears. My iPod lay quietly in my bag. Summerboy played a bit loudly through the small speakers. I walked to the beat. The large building to my left shaded my entire body. A big black Hummer blew passed me. Out of instinct I pressed my back against the aluminum building. "Idiot," I whispered, standing up straight again. This is a parking lot, who would drive that fast? I shook it off and continued walking. The blue Mustang was in sight now.

The song had now changed to Starry Eyed. All my girly music was playing on shuffle. I pulled my bag around my shoulder as I cleared the building. The huge parking lot looked bigger when I was by myself. No cars were driving around so I looked down into my bag and began digging for the keys. My black bag was deep with only one pocket on the inside. I moved the thick chapter book to the side along with a small bottle of lotion, my iPod, cell phone, hand sanitizer, note pad, wallet, and some do-dads. Where were those keys? I took a deep breath and ran into something - no someone. I stumbled back and listened as everything fell out of my bag and hit the ground. My ear bud was ripped from my ear and I winced in pain. My fingers immediately went to rub them.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-"

"No," he said, "It was my fault." I stared into his green eyes. I bent down avoiding his gaze. "Let me help." You could practically hear the grin in his voice. Luckily, my phone and iPod weren't harmed. He threw a few things back in my bag and we both grabbed for the keys. Our hands touched for a split second. I yanked back and looked at him. His gaze kept dropping from my eyes to the ground. I peeked down and immediately stood up. "Erm, sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

I yanked the keys from his hand and began to walk off. His laughter filled my ears and I grit my teeth. I pulled my skirt down to lengthen it. Without thinking once more about it I wrenched the door open after unlocking the car. Joss' wallet was lying in the floor board of the front seat. It was small and blue which matched her purse perfectly. All of this just for a little hand bag. I took a deep breath and went back to the main building.

Nic and Joss were standing in the box office line. They waved me over and I tossed her the wallet. "What took so long?"

"Don't ask," I said, looking around crossing my arms. The entire place just made me feel ancy. My eyes kept searching for the mysterious guy. Did he even come into this building? I hadn't taken the time to watch. He was on my bad list anyway. I sighed and handed the lady behind the glass my hand to stamp.

"What's the matter?" Joss asked, putting her wallet back into her bag. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling aggravated. Nic waved at us both and headed toward the bathroom. "Alright, he's gone. Now, spill," she said. "Who is he?"

I took a deep breath. "I don't even know, but he looked up my skirt like a little prick."

Joss' laughter could be heard throughout the entire place. "I'm sorry," she said, stifling one last laugh. "You're serious?" I nodded and took my seat in the third row. "Is he here? I want to see him," she said, looking around.

"I don't think he's here." The lights went down and the curtain began to open. Nic appeared and sat next to Joss with a large drink in his hands. The spotlights lit up the room a little bit. Five guys stood in front of microphone stands. They started to sing a song I'd never heard before. The light then shined on their face and he stood there. He gripped his mic as did another guy. They both ran down a small flight of stairs and ran down opposite isles. Just my luck. He walked by and winked at me. It took everything inside me not to get up and walk out. Joss noticed my tension and completely turned around in her seat to look at him. "Stop," I hissed. She turned back around and shrugged her shoulders. That was her way of saying, he's not too bad...not too good either.

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