Chapter Two

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"Joelle, hurry up!" I scrambled to grab my bag, say goodbye to Izzy, and give a final look at myself before rushing out of the bedroom. "We're going to be late," Joss said, opening the front door.

"I'm ready now, stop stressing," I said, almost irritated. I raced after her as she skipped down the stairs. By the time we reached the pavement of the parking lot she was already failing to find her keys. Joss ripped through the blue bag before she finally huffed and turned around. "Don't worry about it. I have my keys." When she looked back at me I nodded and shook the keys I'd just retrieved from my own bag. She didn't answer me. Instead, she beat me to my own car. I lightly chuckled at her anticipation to see Nic perform. As soon as I got into my car our phones went off at the same time. I quickly answered without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

I rolled my eyes as I backed out of the parking space and pulled out of the parking lot. "Calvin." I said plainly.

"That's my name, don't wear it out, baby." I could almost see that cocky grin on his face. "So, what are you doing tonight again?"

"If you must know, I'm going to Country Fest with my sister."

"Yeah?" He scoffed and made a gagging noise.

"Right here!" My sister said loudly. I dropped the phone in my lap and made a sharp right turn. "Gosh, Joelle! Are you trying to kill me?" She yelled from her seat. I whipped into a parking spot. Joss gripped the door and the arm rest. We both looked at each other at the same time. "Am I still alive?" I couldn't control the laughter when I saw the look on her face. After a few moments she began to laugh too. "Alright, let's go in," she said, smiling and shaking her head. She quickly got out of the car and looked at herself in my tented windows.

Before I could open my door my attention was caught by the large red building in front of me. It looked like a large barn-a very large barn- with horse stalls built in. A round pen was placed beside it. Three men stood inside with three horses. I was almost positive one was Nic. I looked to my right and Joss was gone. I looked out my windshield. She was half way across the parking lot. I quickly opened my door and climbed out. My phone made a loud thud on the ground. "Crap," I whispered as I bent to pick it up. Then, I remember I had been on the phone with Calvin. "Hello? Are you still there?" I asked frantically. I surprised myself with the quickness of my speech.

"Surprisingly," he said rudely.

"Hold on for a couple more moments then," I said, taking off in a run after locking my car. Thankfully I wore my jeans today and not a skirt. My Chucks clomped on the ground as I began to grow closer to the round pin. Joss was leaning against it leisurely as she spoke to Nic. I'd slowed to walk by now. "I'll call you back," I told Calvin as I noticed the other two guys weren't too bad on the eyes. He got flustered as he tried to speak but I hung up on him and slid my iPhone in my pocket.

I stopped by Joss and leaned against the wooden post with her. A white horse stood in front of me. Out of instinct I raised my hand to lightly brush the horse's nose. "She'll bite you." I looked at the guy near Nic. He wasn't very tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in the same get up as Nic and the other guy. They all wore blue pants and plain white t-shirts. Their black cowboy boots had the blue pants tucked messily into the sides. A small grin appeared on his face as he began to brush the beautiful beast.

"I'll take my chances," I said, grinning back at him. I let my hand rest on the horse's nose. She huffed and pushed against my hand pawing the ground with her back hoof. A bigger grin spread across my face when the horse took a step forward and rest her nose against my shoulder. "You're a pretty girl, huh?" I cooed at the horse.

"Didi likes you," he said, smiling widely as he brushed her softly. He lowered the brush for a moment to raise his hand. "I'm Peter, Peter Tess. You are?"

"My sister-in-law," Nic said as I shook his hand.

We all laughed at Nic's response. After a moment Nic and Joss began to talk again and the other guy began to migrate towards Peter slowly. "I'm Joelle," I said, still petting the horse. "Is she your's?"

"Yes ma'am, for the most part. I don't actually own her but she's the horse I use during the show. Have you seen the show before?"

He was making small talk. I like small talk. "No, this is actually my first-"

"Peter and Lucas! Get in here and warm up your horses!" A man yelled and then a door slammed loudly.

"Well, enjoy the show," Peter said, pulling Didi to a large door. I watched as he walked away with the other man.

Nic leaned over the fence and kissed Joss on the cheek before following the other men with his horse. I remember I needed to call Calvin back so I quickly pulled out my phone and called him back. Joss looked at her small phone as she walked beside me. It rang about three times before he answered. "Joelle, I'm not a patient person," he said.

I grinned to myself. "Oh, Calvin, but you'll wait for me to call you back." He was silent on the other line. The grin on my face grew as I realized I left him speechless. "So, what time is this party you're going to take me to?"

"Oh ho! Who said I was even taking you now?"

"Calvin, you wouldn't have answereed if you didn't have the intent of taking me. So, when are you going to pick me up?" I used the reverse psychology on him well. He needed a good taste of his own medicine. I glanced over at Joss and she was smiling. Typical Joss, she was definitely eavesdropping. "I can text you the address to my sister's place or you can hang up."

He huffed loudly. "You're really testing my patients. I like it."

"I figured you would," I said, truthfully. My plan had worked and I had him in the palm of my hand. "You'll be needing that address I suspect."

"You're right. Send it to me and I'll pick you up around ten." The line went dead. I grinned and pushed my phone in my front pocket.

I stopped and looked over at Joss. "Oh, Joss," I began. This was supposed to be our week together and I'd already made plans with someone else on the second night. I pulled out my phone. "I'm calling to cancel right now."

"Don't you dare," Joss said, "I want you to go. Besides, Nic and I could have a date night. It's time for you to get a boyfriend anyway."

I scoffed and began walking with her again. "He is not and will not be my boyfriend. I don't even have time for a boyfriend. Besides, I live in another state. Long distance relationships don't work. Haven't you heard?'

Joss took a deep breath and crossed her arms. She knew I was semi right. "Whatever," she said. Two large doors were now in sight. The sun gleamed off the glass. "You'll just have to move here I guess." Joss then began to run for the doors. She knew I wouldn't agree and she didnt want me to shoot down her idea. I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself. Joss stopped halfway and waited for me at the doors. Would it be so bad to live here? Sure, it was busy but I could adjust. I'd be closer to my sister, that was something I believed I needed in my life. I would most certainly break my father's heart though. That was the only let down. I had promised I'd come home. But, I was staying for the whole summer. Somewhere, deep down in my fathers heart, he knew I'd want to stay.

"Maybe you're right," I said, as I walked inside the building. She grinned and looped her arm with mine. She liked the idea more than I did.

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