Chapter 3

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The door creaked as Luke opened the door to the classroom. He slowly walked in with a sigh. He honestly wasn't ready to deal with class. He was too overwhelmed by what happened with Zander. All his classmates were staring at him and the teacher turned around. Luke made eye contact with the teacher and quickly walked to his seat. He said no words,the teacher didn't ask.
"All right class,please continue doing the activity. When you're finished,please show me your final result" Mr.Smith,the English teacher said. The entire class went back to writing. Luke couldn't focus. The bright light of the classroom was the exact opposite of what Luke felt. Luke felt dark and cold inside. He wanted to be somewhere dark but the fluorescent light of his surrounding area didn't allow that. He set his head down on his desk. Luke didn't want to talk to anyone.

"What happened with Zander?" a familiar female voice asked as Luke could hear footsteps across the composition tiled floor,approaching him. He looked up. It was Hailey. Her expression was soft as she felt bad for what happened in the music room with Zander. She walked closer to Luke and patiently stood there by him,waiting for his answer.
"W-well he said w-we might have to take a....b-break" Luke said,trying not to cry in that moment. Hailey's eyes widen.
"He said that?! I'll talk to him.It isn't right to take a break because of this" Hailey said as she shook her head.
"Thanks Hailey but I don't know if Zander will be convinced" Luke replied with a quiet voice. It wasn't easy for him to talk. With every word he said,he felt like he might break down. Hailey gave him a small smile.
"I'll get him to calm down,don't worry" she said. Hailey then sat down beside Luke and explained the activity to him.


Luke was having a hard time paying attention and he didn't write much by the end of the class. He decided to try to write more at home. He picked up his things and left the class right when the bell rang.The hallways were crowded as usual but Luke tried to avoid everyone as much as possible.A part of him wanted to look for Zander,but another part of him just wanted to be alone.He didn't know what to do.
"Hey Luke!" a female voice yelled out. Luke immediately looked up. It was Lucy. Lucy was a childhood friend of Luke and she was in the same class as him when they first met Zander back in elementary. Lucy happily skipped over to Luke and gave him a huge hug.
"It's been so long since we last talked! What's been going on?" Lucy asked as she smiled brightly. That was one thing Luke appreciated about Lucy. She was always positive,even when things weren't so good. However her positivity wasn't enough to cheer him up.

"Oh not much is going on for me.Thanks for asking" Luke replied as he looked away from Lucy. He wanted to walk away but Lucy grabbed his wrist.
"Hey what's wrong? You look pretty down. Did something happen? " Lucy asked with a worried expression on her face. Kids were still roaming the halls,some yelling,some just gossiping. It took Luke a moment to realize he and Lucy were standing in the middle of the hallway. He walked over to the side by the lockers and Lucy followed him.
"Well I got into a fight with Zander. He said we might have to take a break" he finally said with a sigh. He still didn't make eye contact.
"That's terrible! I know how much you love Zander. Hmmm......
I know! Why don't you take some time to relax and then you try to talk to him again. Maybe even write him a note" Lucy said with a hopeful smile.

A note? Would that really work? Well he had written a love song for Zander before and that turned out better than he thought. Maybe this idea wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Thanks Lucy. I'll write Zander a note,telling him how much I love him and how much he means to me. I don't want to lose him just because I'm going to a far away college" Luke said with a frown.His eyes were a bit watery from the situation and the thought of losing Zander was heart breaking to him. Zander was his everything.
"You won't lose him Luke. You guys are like PB and Grape Jelly after all! All couples have arguments and I know you guys will work it out" Lucy said as she walked closer to Luke. She embraced him a warm hug that Luke really needed. He couldn't contain his emotions any longer.

That's when he hugged Lucy back and cried. He cried on her shoulder and his sobs were so loud that a lot of kids turned their heads to stare at Luke. All Lucy could do was pay Luke's back and tell him that things would work out with Zander. His grip on Lucy was gentle and she could feel his cold skin. He had gotten cold from all the fear and stress he was feeling. His fingertips were the worst,like little ice cubes took their place. The hug may have only lasted a minute but it felt more than that since kids kept staring at Luke crying. Lucy shooed many kids away as some were even recording. By the time all that was done, there was only a minute until the last class. Luke let go of Lucy.

"Thanks for giving me advice and a hug. I really needed it" Luke said with a small smile on his face. His eyes were red from the crying,as expected. Lucy gave a small smile in return.
"It's not problem! Things will work out ,just remember that! " Lucy said. She then waved bye to Luke and headed off her last class.
"Alright time to finish this day" Luke thought to himself as he walked to his last class.

......After school.....

Kids were yelling extremely loud as they ran out the school. School had ended for the year and it was time for the Summer vacation to start. Luke slowly walked out the school. He had so many memories here. So many memories with Zander.....
He had to get home to write the note. The sky was blue and clear, the birds were chirping,and the Sun gave welcome rays of warmth. Strange how a day so beautiful could still be a horrible day to some people. To Luke,it seemed like his skies were gray and cloudy. He was in another world,one that wasn't so bright. He knew the only way to get to the bright world was to make things right with Zander. Convince him that they didn't have to end it their relationship.
Luke pulled out the small car key and opened the door to his car. He was for sure ready to go home.

As soon as stepped into his house,he threw his backpack on the couch and headed upstairs. Luke heard his mom yell his name out but he didn't turn around. He didn't go back. He slammed his door close and jumped onto his bed.
"I need to make things right" Luke thought to himself as he pulled his phone out. He sent Zander a text that said: Please,we need to talk.No more arguing,no more yelling. Let's meet up tomorrow at the park.
That was phase 1 of his plan. The next was to write the note. He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed the small,black notepad. It was a gift from Hailey years ago in case he wanted to do song writing. He never really got the hang of song writing but he wrote other things in it. Thoughts,fun memories,short stories,notes,etc. This time he was going to write a note to Zander.

He spent a lot of time on it. Went through multiple rough drafts and the dim light of his bedroom and soft feel of his blanket were with him through it all. Luke's mom knocked on the door. There was no response.
"Luke,honey it's time for dinner" Luke's mom said as she opened the door. The sight she saw shocked her bit.
Luke was asleep,his head resting on his notepad. His bedroom lights remaining dim,and the blanket covering only his feet. Luke had fallen asleep laying on his stomach. His mom smiled,closed the door,and left.
The note right beside him was finished. Luke hoped things were turn out right.

Even in his sleep,Luke wondered what Zander was doing.....

A/N:Hey guys! I just wanted to make an important note that Lucy is not a canon character in the series. I re-watched the Seasons glmv when I was writing this and you can see that Luke had a couple of friends so I decided to give one of them a name :>   Of course,this fanfic is old,I wrote it back a month after ep 4's release I think xD. I just figured I clear that up in case anybody asks ^^

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