Chapter 1

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 Author's note: This is the 2nd fanfic I've ever written. I'm starting to publish my fanfics on Wattpad so this is an old one XD. Anygays,enjoy ^^ 

There was a knock at the door.Luke turned his head and walked over.Who could be knocking at the door? Why this early? It was 9 am and it was usually the time for the mail to arrive.It couldn't be the mailman,he never knocks.Luke slowly opened the front door and the person he saw shocked him.It was indeed the mailman after all and he was holding a huge envelope in his hands.The mailman had a huge smile on his face too.
"Congratulations on getting into the college" the mailman said as he handed the envelope to Luke.Luke reached over and took the huge,blue envelope."Oh thank you" Luke said as he put on a smile.The mailman waved bye and left.

Luke walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch.He set the envelope down.His heart started racing and his hands trembled.He had applied to a college far away from where he currently lived.It was the only college that could help him reach his full potential with the drums.It was a special fine arts college.He was super excited when he first applied and he had hope that he would get accepted.However,then he realized a major problem.He would have to leave his friends.He would have to leave his current boyfriend Zander. He didn't know how to break the news to them.Luke sighed.

"How am I going to tell them? When? How will Zander react?" Luke said out loud to himself.He reached out and grabbed the enveloped.With trembling hands,he started to open it.He pulled out the long letter and started to read it.Sure enough,the first sentence was enough to confirm it.
"Congratulations Luke! You have been accepted into Lakeshore Fine Arts!" is what the letter stated.Luke set the letter down and rested his head in his hands.
"I hope they won't be too upset when I tell them" Luke thought with a sigh.The sun was shining bright through the living room window as it was a beautiful Summer day.Birds were chirping and lots of people could be heard walking outside.It was a happy day,but Luke felt the opposite.He thought of one way to tell his friends.It was the best way in his mind.

He got out his phone and sent a text to The Music Club group chat.
"Hey guys,I have something important to tell you tomorrow during lunch" is what the text said.Luke only had one week to tell them.One week because it was the last week of school,the last week of high school for Luke and his friends.
"I should start thinking of what I'm going to say to them" Luke thought as he set his phone down.He got up from the couch and headed upstairs to his room.He needed to write down ideas and things he wanted to say.He needed to get mentally prepared,especially for what Zander might say.He hoped deep down that Zander would understand.He would be heart broken if he made Zander too upset.Luke opened the door to his room and walked in.It was time to prepare for tomorrow.

.....The next day.....

Luke was moving through the crowded halls to get to the music club.Even though the band competition ended,the club still wanted to meet up at the music room to hang out and eat lunch.Luke had a paper tucked neatly into his pocket in case he forgot what to say.People were talking and even yelling in the rush of last week of school excitement but that didn't matter to Luke.Things seemed so silent for him since he was extremely nervous.When he got to the music room door,he paused for a moment."Please let everything go well" Luke whispered as he set his hand on the doorknob with trembling hands.He slowly opened the door.

"Heyy Luke! What's up?" Milly said the moment he walked into the room.
"Oh uh nothing much" Luke quickly replied with a nervous smile. Milly tilted her head in confusion. Zander looked over at Luke and he saw the nervousness that Luke had.
"You said you had something important to tell us.What is it?" Zander asked as he walked over to Luke.Luke could feel his heart racing again. Zander was getting to the point.Now was the time he had to tell them.
"Um well I ummm" Luke started to say.He looked away from the music club with a face of pure fear and nervousness. Zander picked up on this and he reached out to grab both of his hands.He made eye contact with Luke.
"Don't be afraid to tell us Luke.We're all here to support you" Zander said with a small smile.Luke made eye contact back with Zander but he didn't smile.He was too nervous.

"Zander's right Luke.We're your family so don't hesitate to tell us what you need to say" Hailey said with a smile.Sean nodded and Jake gave an encouraging smile with a thumbs up.Luke looked at all his friends.He was sure lucky to have them but....he would be leaving them soon to pursue his college dreams.He took a deep breath in as Zander gave a reassuring squeeze to his hands.
"I got accepted to Lakeshore Fine Arts and that means I....I have to go far away.To another state" Luke finally managed to say.
There was a long silence in the room.All you could hear was the sounds from the people in the hallway.

Zander immediately let go of Luke's hands.
"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Zander screamed out in shock.Luke looked away from Zander. He was too scared now from Zander's reaction to say anything.
"You promised me years ago that we would always stick together like peanut butter and grape jelly.You can't just leave me like that!" Zander yelled out with a look of hurt and anger in eyes.
"Zander,please calm down.Luke has the right to go anywhere he wants" Hailey spoke up.Zander immediately turned around and looked at Hailey in anger.
"You don't understand! He promised to stay by my side! He can't just get up and leave like this! You think this is easy to process!" Zander yelled at Hailey,gesturing towards Luke.Jake walked by Hailey and put his hand on her shoulder as he looked at Zander.
"Zander stop yelling at people.You're hurting Hailey's feelings and Luke's too.You need to calm down man" Jake said as he gave Hailey a hug.
"Yeah dude just chill out " Milly said as she strummed a note on her guitar.
"I agree with them.You just need time to process this" Sean said as he put his hands in his pockets.

Zander looked at all his friends in anger.
"None of you can understand how I feel!" he yelled.He looked over at Luke one final time before running out the door.Luke looked up and his expression was hurt.He looked like he'd been punched in the face. He wanted things to go well but instead he made Zander upset and he even yelled at Hailey in the process too.
"I'm really sorry guys" Luke said as he looked at his friends. Hailey looked at Luke.
"It's fine but you should go talk to him" she said as she pointed to the door.Luke understood that what he really needed to do was talk to Zander. He walked over to the door and headed out.

Why did he have a bad feeling about this?

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