Chapter 5 (Finale)

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        Zander arrived to the park right on time the next day. In fact,Zander and Luke arrived there at the same time. The Summer breeze swept across their hair and there was a ton of people taking walks in the park. A lot of dogs were there too. Zander and Luke stood there,staring at each other,unsure of what to say. Luke had the note ready and in his hand but he wasn't sure what to say to Zander. Zander wanted to make things right but he decided to wait in case Luke had something to say. They didn't make eye contact,instead stared down at the bright green grass. The silence was awkward and people walking by raised an eyebrow when they saw the two teens just staring at the grass. Something had to be said soon. Zander cleared his throat.

"I'm really sorry for how I acted Luke. It was childish and selfish of me. I shouldn't have overreacted like that" Zander said as he slowly looked up into Luke's eyes. Luke slowly made eye contact back and gave a small smile.
"It's okay Zander and I overreacted too. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry" Luke said as he kept his eye contact with Zander. So far things were going smoothly. The warm rays of the Sun seemed encouraging too. Zander walked closer to Luke and put on a serious,concerned face.
"Listen I was thinking about it. I completely understand if you want to end our relationship because of how I acted. You don't deserve to be with someone who easily gets angry and is selfish. You deserve someone more understanding " Zander said with a shaky voice. He was thinking a lot about it on the way here. He truly loved Luke but he didn't want to cause him any pain by forcing him to be in the relationship. If it made Luke happier to be with someone else,then Zander would let him because that's all he wanted. For Luke to be happy.

Luke,however was shocked by Zander's words. He had a sinking feeling in the bottom of his stomach. End the relationship? Deserve someone more understanding? Luke didn't want to end the relationship because of how Zander acted,he forgave him after all and he knew he would never find someone else like Zander. Luke looked at Zander and kept a gaze into his eyes. His expression was soft,so understanding that it made Zander blush a bit.
"I don't want to end our relationship Zander. I'm happy being with you and I don't mind you getting mad. I understand and I don't think your selfish. I don't want to find someone else,I only want to be with you" Luke said as he took steps closer to Zander. Birds were chirping in the distance and the Sun started to shine brighter.
"B-but I was a jerk. You didn't deserve that and I started the argument after all. I should've kept my mouth shu-" Zander started to say but then he was cut off by Luke.

Zander felt his face warm up as a huge blush emerged upon his face. Luke was leaning close to him and kissing him. His kiss was gentle but passionate at the same time. He liked it. Luke ran his hand in Zander's hair and Zander felt himself leaning closer to Luke. Luke,himself was blushing a bright pink but kept the kiss going. Time seemed to pause at that moment. They didn't hear many footsteps,not many dogs barking,all they felt was the warm rays of the Sun on their faces. Or maybe the warmth was from so much blushing. They weren't sure and they didn't care either. They were too lost into the moment. Zander pulled Luke closer to him and the kiss began to feel even more passionate. A gentle breeze came. Zander wasn't sure why Luke decided to kiss him now but he wasn't complaining,he wasn't going to push him away. It felt like an eternity,both their hearts racing.

After a few seconds,they pulled away with blushing faces. Zander looked at Luke.
"W-why did you do that?" Zander asked as he made eye contact. His face was still red and warm but he was okay with Luke seeing him like this. He trusted Luke. Luke smiled.
"Because I wanted you to understand that I only want to be with you and that I love you. I didn't want you to keep insulting yourself because you're an amazing person Zander" Luke replied,his pink blush remaining on his face. Zander's blush only grew bigger. He was lucky to have Luke because he couldn't imagine himself with anyone else. He was so happy that he was alive to meet Luke.
"I love you too Luke and I'm really sorry. I will support your dream even if it will be hard" Zander said with a smile. Luke smiled back and pulled the note out of his pocket.
"Here,I wrote this for you. I want you to read it" Luke said as he handed the note to Zander. Zander took the note and opened it. His face had a confused expression as he wasn't sure what the note might contain. He started reading it.

The note said:
Dear Zander (my grape jelly),
I'm very sorry for yelling at you back in the computer lab. I was just getting frustrated because I wanted you to understand that I will never leave you. Zander,I will always love you. I always have and I always will. I'm glad I came up to you back in elementary school. I made a really good best friend that day and then I ended up finding my soul mate without realizing it. I enjoy every time we spend together. It makes me really happy and I feel a deep connection between us,something no one else can understand. We have so many memories to look back on. I'll never forget the time we first started playing our instruments. I had so much fun with you. I'll never forget any of that when I go to college,instead I'll look back on them and cherish them from the bottom of my heart. I'll text and call you a lot so you aren't lonely and I'll make sure to give you a ton of hugs when I come visit. I'll do anything just for us to stay together. I love you too much Zander and I wanted you to know that. We are peanut butter and grape jelly after all.
Luke (your peanut butter)

Zander looked up from the note with teary eyes. They were tears of happiness. He was so happy and relived that Luke still wanted to be with him and that he really wouldn't find anyone else at college. This is the reassurance that he needed. He felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders,allowing him to breath again. Luke gave him a bright smile. Luke knew Zander was happy and that made him happy as well. Zander couldn't contain the feeling anymore.
He ran towards Luke,note in hand,and hugged him with all his might.
"Z-Zander?" Luke asked as he stood in shock. He wasn't expecting this sudden hug from Zander.

Zander didn't say a word but held him close. He loosened his grip so he wouldn't hurt Luke. Luke understood that Zander needed a hug so he wrapped his arms around Zander,holding him gently.
The two of them stood there for what felt like a minute,just hugging each other and holding each other close. Some people walking by even said Awww,which made Zander and Luke blush. Eventually,they pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes.
"I needed that reassurance Luke,thank you. I will always love you too and I won't ever replace you" Zander said with a small smile.
"I know you won't and I'm glad we sorted things out" Luke said with a smile. Luke then reached out and held Zander's hand. Zander blushed from the contact.

They decided to take a stroll in the park,hand in hand. Nothing was going to ruin the love they felt for each other,not even college.

 A/N:I hope you all enjoyed reading this fanfic! I'm not a huge fan of it because well the kiss scene didn't have consent but one of my current fanfics does :D I'll be publishing a 2 part Lander fanfic next ^^ 

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