💮Chapter 五💮

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They walked towards the cafe where they saw her -(Y/N)'s human self- in. The exterior of the cafe is quite simple with a pastel coloured building with an east facing window and the interiors are same as the outside with clean and modern decor. “We should approach her slowly. We don’t want to make her uncomfortable or anything.” Nene stated, opening the cafe’s door which earned a nod from Aito. They walked in and were greeted with the smell of freshly baked pastries and coffee beans. 

They slowly approached her table that was beside the window. “Excuse me. Do you mind if we sit here?” Nene asked the girl who looked up from her book. “I mean sure but sorry if I don’t talk much it’s because I’m a little awkward with strangers.” she answered, gesturing to the two empty seats in front of her. The both of them nodded and took a seat in front of her. “So, what brings you to this cafe?” Aito tried to strike up a conversation with the girl. “Well, my parents own this cafe. Uh, I’m sorry but what’s your name?” she asked the two of them confused.

“My name’s Watanabe Aito and this is Yashiro Nene.” he introduced both him and Nene. “Nice to meet you, Nene and Aito. My name’s (L/N) (Y/N).” she introduced herself with a small smile but her eyes still looked dead. "So, why don't we see you out much?" Nene asked her, curious as to why they never saw her since the cafe was close to their house. "I rarely go out because people get afraid of my eyes." she explained looking down at her plate. “You should meet our friend! She has the same eyes as you!” Aito exclaimed, lying about it to make her go meet Yugi (Y/N).


Meanwhile with Kou~

He was walking towards his grandaunt’s house that’s not far from his house. He starts to near a traditional japanese home that has a little girl and a little boy playing. “Kou-nii!” the boy exclaimed as he saw Kou walking towards them. The little girl looked up and followed the boy running up to him. “What are you doing here?” the little girl asked as her and the boy hugged Kou’s legs. “I’m here to meet your grandmother. Is she home?” Kou asked the both of them, smiling.

“Grandma is inside! Follow us!” they exclaimed, pulling Kou inside their house to meet their grandma. Along the way they meet the twins mother, aunt, and grandfather before arriving in front of their grandma’s room. “Grandma’s in there.” the twins stated in unison, pointing at the room before leaving to go back to playing outside. Kou slowly opened the door and saw his grandaunt sitting on a chair staring blankly at a photo frame. “Hello, grandaunt Keiko.” he greeted. “Ah, my sweet grandnephew. What are you doing here?” she asked, wiping a tear from one of her eyes.

“I wanted to ask you a question.”

“Ask away then child.”

“What’s the other solution from this?” he asked cautiously, showing her the page from the book. His grandaunt had the look of absolute horror at what he’s holding. “No!” she yelled, throwing the book away. “You don’t mess with that, that thing, child! Are you in love with an apparition?” she asked, holding his shoulder with her eyes stared at him expectantly. “No, it’s just that I was curious and I found your journal.” he lied, not wanting to trouble his grandaunt. His grandaunt visibly relaxed and let go of his shoulder. “I swore to never tell anyone about that. It’s better for you to not know.” she stated before going silent again. He took the book before leaving to meet up with the others.


All of them including (Y/N)’s human self met up at the school and walked up to meet Hanako. When they opened the door Hanako was arguing with Tsukasa and not noticing them.

“This is all your fault!”

“How is this my fault?!”

“You were the on-”

“Hey, guys!” Aito exclaimed, trying to get their attention. The both of them look at the others that just walked in the room.”What are you arguing about?” he asked the twins. “This knucklehead lost (Y/N)!” Tsukasa replied, gesturing towards Hanako. “You what?!” the others exclaimed except for (Y/N)’s human self that looked confused and intrigued at the floating apparition.

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