💮Chapter 三💮

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『1 year ago』

You were casually floating around looking at the new students. You always wanted to be alive again. Go to school, get a job, and fall in love but alas it's just a dream that'll never be fulfill. "Nee-chan!" you hear someone exclaim from behind you. It was a new student walking towards a girl with long pink hair. (FYI this is not Mitsuba) "She looked familiar but it couldn't be." you mumbled but then you saw their mother ran towards the girl. 'It's HER! She caused me my life! Let's see how she likes it!" you thought as your eyes and aura darkens. You were slowly floating closer with your arms outstretched to strangle her to death. Your arms were 3 inches away from the target but something is stopping you. You looked behind you to see that your ankle is tied up in some prayer beads.

It won't budge no matter how much you pulled on it. You turned around to your target to see that she's already gone. You were violently pulling on it trying to be set free. "You should stop because it won't work." you snapped your head towards the voice. You were focusing on your ankle that you didn't realize the new students went to the auditorium. "Let me go!" you yelled as your fangs showing and your eyes keep changing from one colour to another colour. "Shut up you disgusting creature." he demanded with a calm yet scary voice. You were unfazed by him and started to try to kill him since you were still triggered by your killer being here.

『Back to present time』

"Please... stop.... I can't...." you chocked as the hand around your neck tightened. You were scared looking into those dead eyes of your bully. You were suddenly pulled out of the mirror realm and into someone's arms. Before you can react, you passed out in your saviour's hand. "Oh shit! She passed out! Okay, stay calm. Stay calm. I can fix this." your saviour panicked at the sight of you passed out. He tried waking you up splashing water but that just ended with the water going through you. He tried everything imaginable to wake you up but alas, it didn't work. So he tried carrying you to the honorable number 7. Maybe he can wake you up. To make it less suspicious as to why he's carrying nothing, he used random fabric from a storage room right beside them. So, it began, he walked up the stairs.

"You know...I don't really hate you." he mumbled to make sure no one would think he's crazy. "I just have too much pride to admit it to your face." he countinued not looking at you. "You may not be "pretty" or "normal" but I guess I fell in love with you. You make me go crazy. Is that your plan? Making me crazy and once I've gone insane, you'll kill me." he ramble on laughing to himself. Not long after you two arrived at the 3rd floor bathroom. He placed you down gently beside the door and knocked on the door. It slowly opened which he follow suit to hide behind the door. Nene looked around to see no one but when she was about to leave she saw you propped up against the wall. "Hanako, come quick! It's your sister!" she panicked and not long after Hanako went over to her and picked you up. Closing the door behind them. "*sigh* I really am a horrible person, aren't I? I'm sorry." he sigh before taking his leave from the third floor.


"Nee-san! Nee-san wake up! Please wake up!" Hanako panicked trying to wake you up. "I can't loose you again." he said starting to tear up until it was violent sobs. Nene, Kou, and Aito tried to make him calm down but failed. "Calm down, Hanako. She's going to be okay." Nene tried reassuring him but only to fail. "Will you bet your life on it?" he asked looking at her with dead eyes. His cheeks are stained with tears. His lips formed a frown. "I can. I know she's going to be okay." she responded looking confident. As the both of them were having their conversation, you start to stir from your unconscious state. "Ugh." you grunted holding your neck still feeling hands chocking you. "(Y/N)-san/Nee-san!" they exclaimed hearing you starting to wake up. You didn't respond and just stared blankly at the wall. "Nee-san?" Hanako asked tilting his head looking at his sister.

You suddenly stood up and walked outside the bathroom. Slowly walking being followed by the gang. All of them confused as to what is happening. You finally stopped in front of a relatively big pond under the moonlight. There was a bridge on top of it. Your eyes still blank made your way to the center of the bridge. Not long after a shadow appeared and hold it's hand out to you. You gladly took it and the both of you dance together. While the others looked at you like you're crazy. "What's going on, Hanako? What's wrong with her?" Kou asked panicked. For you see that shadow is only your mere imagination and no one could see it. "Nee-chan!" Hanako tried calling for you which actually worked. You turn around and they all saw your lovesick eyes.

"Who are you talking to? I'm not your sister."

"She's been cursed. She didn't do what her rumours said..." he stated before he cried his heart out.

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