💮Chapter 二💮

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I'm really sorry for not updating last week. My school work is just killing me at this point.

"So what do you have to do to escape her?"

"We don't know because the rumour ends there."

The students in the school are all talking about a rumour of a new school mystery. It started out as a small rumour growing rapidly as the time goes on. Every male population seems to be somewhat affraid but won't admit it. They're egos are too big and it will harm their social life.


"Amane! You're a meanie!" your voice rang throughout the girl's bathroom. "What?" he ask innocently smiling. "You made me sound menacing! I for sure won't drag a boy to the mirror world! That's my world! Secondly, you ended my rumour with a cliffhanger!" you yelled at him clearly angry. "I just don't want my sister get hurt. So I made you scary to stop anyone from harming you." he explained looking down at the floor. "I'm capable of taking care of myself. You don't have to worry that much." you reassured Amane. "Yeah but still. I want to protect my family." he stated finally looking up.

😍Timeskip brought to you by a multifandom shipper😍

Teru's POV

That apparition has the odacity to turn herself into one of the seven wonder! Now it's Kou's job to do an exorcism on her. It's a shame though. I was starting to enjoy hunting that sneaky apparit- Wait... No! I don't enjoy hunting her down! I wish she was dead! "Carefull what you ask for." Who's that? I look around the student body room to be greeted by no one. I walk out of the student body to see that apparition with a boy. "Eh, you look so cute!" she exclaim hugging the boy. "P-Please don't hurt me." the boy squeak being scared. How dare she be close to that human?  "Hurt you? No, I wouldn't do that. I will follow you around though. You're just so cute!" she gush about the boy and kiss his cheek! Oh hell no! Wait.... Why am I even angry? Ugh! By this point I ruffled my hair so much to the point that my hair is messy.

Your POV

"What's your name?" I ask the cute black haired student. "Um...I'm Aito." he said with hesitation. He's so cute! I think I'm gonna die twice over how cute he is. "Minamoto-senpai." I heard someone said that damned name being called but I didn't care much. I start to pull Aito to meet Amane and daikon girl. "H-Hey, where are you taking me?" he ask being scared. "To meet my friends!" I giggle and drag him all the way to Amane's boundary. Once there, Aito looks like he's about to cry. "Meet my brother also known as Hanako!" I exclaim cheerfully while my arms latch around his shoulder. "Eh?! Aito-san? What are you doing here?" daikon girl and Kou exclaim. Wait.....Kou?! That damn exorcist?! "Oh...Yashiro-san and Minamoto-san. I was dragged here by her." he reply while I haven't let go of him. "I have to do what my rumour said so now he's my property." I stated with a smile hugging him tighter. "Um....Can you please let go of me?" he ask looking uncomfortable. "Fine." I sigh and reluctantly let go of him. He thanks me and slightly distance himself from me.

"BTW, what's this exorcist doing here?" I ask floating upside down in the bathroom. "Oh, he helped us with a mission." Amane stated looking reassuringly at me. "Oh." I float closer to the young exorcist and put my finger under his chin. "Aren't you gonna kill us?" I whisper inching closer. I then distance myself from him. He just collapse with a red face and foaming in the mouth. "Kou-kun/Minamoto-san!" daikon girl and Aito exclaim going to either side of the exorcist. This is going to be fun. I smirk at the exorcist who's still collapse on the floor. "Hey! That's not nice!" Amane scolded me and whack my head. "Hey! That hurts you know!" I responded rubbing the spot that was hit. "Just stop doing that. We don't want that psycho you hate so much to murder us." he countinue trying to reason with me. "Fine. Fine. I still have Aito to annoy!" I exclaim hugging Aito because of that he fell down and accidentally hit Kou with his elbow. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Aito keep apologizing over and over while daikon girl is helping Kou. All Kou did was cough a little and then nods.

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