Chapter Eighteen- Escape

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  • Dedicated to Odie May VanOrder

“Shh! Someone will hear you Zora!” It was you that said this, hand clasped over my mouth. I struggled and you tried to calm me in the darkness. “Stop squirming, we only have so much time left! Now stay still so I can lower you.”

            “Roivas?” I cried out, “Roivas what’s going on?!”

            “Shh! I’m going to get you out of here! Eric shut off all the power and locked the door to the room where everyone’s in so they can’t escape, but we only have ten minutes before the power comes back on,” you began to lower me until I was standing on my feet, “So we have to hurry!” You took off the chains from my wrist and took my hand in a firm hold, leading through the darkness. “We’re going to have to take the stairs up to the lobby, come on.”

            You dragged me up the stairs and I stumbled because of my heels and fell. You growled, “Just take them off Zora! We’re running out of time!”

            I kicked my heels off and escalated up the steps with you in front, bursting open the door, running through the lobby and out the front door. Sunlight pierced our eyes and we stopped for a moment, blinded. We were in the center of an extremely hot desert. There wasn’t a lot of sand, but the ground was cracked and dry, there must have been a lake here at one point.

You lifted me into your arms and carried me because the desert was so hot it burnt my feet. I don’t know how long we walked for, but I could hear attack dogs in the distance.

“We have to hurry,” you began to run, holding me closer to you. I blushed as I watched you—you looked determined and strong.

We stopped as a navy blue sports car swerved and stopped in front of us, dust flying our way. Nikolay came out and leaned against the side of the car, smiling.

You whistled, “Wow.”

“You like? Lady Nisha got it for me since I’m the right hand man. Zora, Roivas, meet the2-seat coupé Marussia B2 Super Car, or as I’d like to call her, Kira. Now, if you two are done gawking at the beauty, I suggest you hop in. Sounds like Bane and Claw are nearing.”

“Bane and Claw?” I quirked a brow and you set me down for a second.

“Our attack dogs.” You said, watching as the car door twisted upwards. Sitting down, you looked at me, “Sit in my lap Zora, there’s no back seat, and Nikolay’s going to drive.”

I nodded without hesitation and sat in your lap, leaning over a bit to close the door. Nikolay got in and buckled up, his hands on the wheel. “If I were you,” he smiled wickedly, “I suggest that you hold onto something.”

You took a hold of both of my hands and held onto the white leather seat. I blushed as my fingers slipped between yours, and I held on, “Where are we going?” I asked anxiously.

“Guess we’ll find out soon, won’t we?” Nikolay smiled at us and stepped on the gas pedal. I jerked forward a bit because of the fast acceleration and you coiled an arm around me, the other one pressed against the glove compartment so I wouldn’t get hurt. I blushed before looking ahead at the dry road.

“Take us back to my place.” You said with a gentle voice.

“Wait! What about my family?” I asked, turning my head back to look at you. You looked at Nikolay, then at me.

“I’ll tell you when we get there.”

“Wait, you want me to take you to your home here? Or—”

“The other one, please Nikolay. They don’t know about that home there. My house here would be one of the first places that they’d look in.”

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