Instagram and The Terrible Reign of Strawmelon

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I haven't updated this in forever and I don't think I ever will. So this is the last little bit I never published before

Everyone has come online

Percy: OMG Gurl, It's been like, so long since we've used the chatroom.

Annabeth: Percy... why are you talking like a steryotypical Instagram girl?

Percy: Wanna take a selfie Annie?

Annabeth: Don't call me Annie.

Piper: Uh oh...

Percy: You got it Annie!

Jason: I'll intervene! *jumps into Percy's cabin and starts hitting him with a book* Hush!

Percy has gone offline

Piper: *facepalms*

Jason: What, that wasn't what I was suppose to do?

Annabeth: I feel sick, like glitter is taking over my insides all of a sudden.

Everyone has doned a hazmat suit

Annabeth's beautiful smart soul has died

Annabeth0.2 has come on

Annabeth0.2: Heeeey guys!

Leo: Am I the only one thinking... 'Oh gods'

Frank: You're the only one saying it.

Leo: ? Like what even bro.

Annabeth0.2: Guys! Check out my awesume knew Gucci bag! *tosses bag to Piper*

Piper: *struggles to get hazmat gloves on and shrieks when the bag touches her hand*

Jason: Piper... *voice crack* just know that I will always love you...

Piper: Jason... I guess if it's my last chance to say it I-

Piper has gone offline and her soul has died

Piper 0.2 has come online

Piper0.2: Sooooo guys! Isn't this Gucci purse like, fabulous?

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