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I think I might be done with Wattpad. Hear me out before you say anything:

I love you guys, I really do. It's just... This is smothering me. I write these oneshots and cliches and Fangirling books for you but I realized... I'm not a Fangirl. Sure, I love TV shows and books and I'm still gonna wear my Doctor Who scarf and Loki t-shirt... But it isn't who I am. It sounds stupid but if you want to really know:

I am a girl who wants nothing more to make people laugh. I want to share my writing with the world but I'm impatient and I get discouraged easily. I want to be an actress with a Twitter account where I post jokes, updates on my books and parts I'm playing and sometimes gelato. I want to go to college for creative writing and chemistry. Bet you didn't know that I'm a chemistry nerd. That's because this life here is smothering me into oblivion. And I need to let it go.

So no more one shots or cliches. No more fangirling. No more me making lame jokes. No more requests to read fanfictions because guess what: I don't enjoy reading fanfictions even if they're good.

But I do love you guys. We've been together for almost two years and I reached 1 K followers with you. Originally, I just did this in hopes that when I finally published a book or got a call back that you'd support me. Now I'm asking you: if you truly want to support me let me do my own thing.

I'll get a new Wattpad account. Post short stories. I'll be funny, post writing tips and help. I'll even put up a copy of a novel I'm working on at Storybird. This site has so much fanfiction it's hard to be an author. Storybird is much, much better but it's not as popular as Wattpad.

So if I get a new account that's not about fandoms, would you still enjoy my writing?

I'll understand if you don't.

And, about the novel, I did publish the first chapter on Storybird. It's going amazing. Here's a synopsis if you want to check it out:


Dreams suck.

Idris could tell you that. She was a knight for about five minutes until she was kicked out of the castle for being a girl.

Or Alvria. She tried to be a good fairy and help a princess but ended up getting stepped on by a witch.

Or Zephriah: She wanted to renounce her pirate ways but the thrill of stealing was too addicting.

Even Sieran: A siren who wanted to, you know, stop killing people and maybe fall in love. Instead she got stuck with owing a warlock.

The point is: no matter what you think lives aren't Fairytales. Fairytales made it seem easy. This, however, is a new kind of tale. And it's much more complicated than happily ever after.

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