Turned out War hadn't killed Legionary at all- just pushed him around a little until he gave up the helmet. But the thought that he could have over something so arbitrary disturbed Flame. In other years this would have been her cue to leave. However, now, under the influence of the jewelry, the thought didn't even cross her mind. Instead she organized a roast, everyone gathering around a fire she made in the back, since that area was clearest of trees. They all met under the light of the setting sun and slid some sliced bits of meat in pans. Then they started talking, and the conversation shifted to families.
"Mine is pretty good," said Flame. "We had a lot of mouths to feed, so there came a time when the hints started, and I left." Smevy nodded and said, "same," then looked at War, who completely ignored their glances and nodded at Candy. "What about you?"
Candy looked up from her plate of bacon and said, her mental tone grimly set, "Mine didn't want me, so I didn't want them."
No one made a sound. Then Flame said, almost too softly to hear, "we want you, and we always will." Everyone murmured in agreement, then another long silence passed. Finally Smevy spoke, his voice gently mixing with the crackling fire.
"This isn't the first group I've been a part of. First there was my family, who kicked me out before I was ready. Then I found a group of shepherds that I stayed with for a while, but they decided that we'd better not stay together. Then there were some cave dwellers who knocked me out and left me with nothing but a note and a few day's food. Then-" he glanced up and swallowed. "Well, you get the point. I'm...I'm really glad I found you guys."
Flame smiled and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you found us too."
War nodded and nibbled his bacon while Candy said, "Yeah, same. My family has made it very clear that they don't want a crippled daughter hanging around, but you guys don't care about that. In fact...do you mind if I invite someone?"
"How are you going to get a message to them?" Flame asked.
"They're kind of already here," said Candy, striding into the bushes. She returned a few minutes later with a slightly disheveled young man, his expression friendly. "This is Lucas," she said, "I ran into him a little while ago and he wants to join. Can he?"
"I don't see why not," said Flame.
"Thank you, said Lucas. "I've been watching you guys for a while, and you're a lot different than most of the other groups I've seen."
"How so?" Flame asked, waving both him and Candy to sit down on one of the logs scattered around the fire for that very purpose.
"For one you're underground," said Lucas.
"That would be my fault," said Flame unapologetically. "I always build underground. But you have to admit, it's safe, and it's a lot easier to expand."
"I'll give you that," said Lucas. "But another thing I've noticed is that you haven't been attacked by anyone yet."
"Why would we be attacked?" Flame asked. He opened his mouth to answer, but she waved it away. "Yes, I know we're next to a mercenary base, but what reason would they have to plunder us? We don't have anything worth taking."
"These people don't need a reason," said Lucas. "They burn and destroy for the fun of it, then leave you to clean up, then come back and do it all over again." His eyes darkened, the leaping shadows casting dancing shards of light across his face. "Trust me, I know.
"We'll be fine," said Flame firmly. "Plus our house is made of stone, so at least they can't burn it. All we have to do is lay low, act friendly, and they'll leave us alone. You may have met some bad apples, but I've talked to enough mercenaries to know that they're fairly reasonable, especially once you flash some diamonds at them. And trust me," she added with a smirk, "we aren't lacking in that department."
The Far Wilds
AdventureFlame has always been a loner and a homebody. But that all changes when a set of mysterious golden jewelry enters her life. Now she craves adventure...and she's about to get it.