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          "stiles!" olivia dunbar cried out, pushing herself to run faster towards the boy. stiles stilinski turned to her, the doors slamming shut behind him. she slowed to a stop in front of him and stiles' hands gripped her arms.

"olivia?" he let out a breath of relief. she knew him. "you know me? oh, thank god. you know me."

"i know you." olivia confirmed, eyes wide with fear. they wracked over his face, studying every inch of it because she knew what was coming. "but i think everybody else is forgetting."

stiles stared down at her, their eyes locked on each other. a chilling breeze blew by, the two tearing their gaze away from each other and glancing behind olivia. leaves blew across the pavement. in the distance, a horse neighed. stiles' eyes locked on it, a shaky breath escaping his lips as he noticed the rider staring straight at him.

"olivia, do you see him?" stiles asked, pointing at the rider.

olivia turned around, eyes darting around but she saw nothing. she shook her head, questioning, "see what?"

"the guy on the horse."

olivia's stomach dropped, her breath catching in her throat, "stiles if you see them-"

stiles cut her off, turning to face the girl beside him. his hands reached up to cup her face, his golden eyes boring into her own blue ones. olivia's eyes pooled with tears, and stiles felt his stomach knot. he hated to see her so scared, so afraid. he hated to know she was absolutely terrified.

"i know, i know. they're coming for me." stiles said, his voice shaky, "so you have to get away from me right now, okay?"

olivia shook her head frantically, "i am not leaving you!"

stiles nodded, knowing there was no time to argue, "alright, come on." he pulled his hands back, using one to grab at olivia's.

their fingers interlaced and they began to run. stiles led the way, running through the courtyard of the school. turning a corner, stiles came to a stop as he saw another rider waiting there. stiles stumbled back, turning around.

"this way, this way."

stiles stopped again, his eyes widening in fear as he saw another riding straight for them. he stopped in his tracks, seeing them approach from all sides. his stomach turned, hand gripping olivia's tighter.

"where are they?" olivia asked panicked, her blonde hair whipping around in the wind.

"they're everywhere." stiles replied, looking around frantically. olivia's eyes landed on stiles' blue jeep parked in the lot and the two ran towards it. "come on! olivia, don't look at them, okay? don't try to use your magic, don't do anything. they'll take you, too. do not look at them."

"i won't, i won't!" olivia yelled out in response. the two let go of each other, going around the jeep. they each pulled open the doors, climbing inside and slamming the doors shut behind them.

olivia's vision blurred, tears pooling in her eyes as she breathed heavily. this wasn't happening. he couldn't be taken away from her. she needed him. they need each other.

stiles fumbled with the keys before finally jamming them into the ignition. his movements faltered when he glanced up, his eyes landing on the familiar necklace hanging from the rearview mirror. he eyed the name scrawled on it, the small 's' and the small heart. he let out a shaky sigh, looking around and taking in all of the riders beginning to surround the jeep.

the hunt • stiles stilinski [3]Where stories live. Discover now