six • radio silence

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the next day i was sat in AP biology class next to scott. i had my eyes on my notebook, scribbling down notes and drawing random doodles as miss finch droned on about the brain. i could hardly focus, though. it was hard. my mind was scattered, and i couldn't focus on only one thing.

allison was showing up at random times of the day, haunting me. and for what? what did i do to deserve to be haunted? she says it's really her, but how could i be sure? could witches actually see ghosts, was that a power they possessed? and then there was stiles. the boy who still a mystery, someone i was trying so hard to remember but just couldn't. the ghost riders took him, and while my other friends were having doubts, i was sure of it. he was real. he had to be.

"the corpus callousness is not only the largest white matter structure in the brain, but also the bridge connecting all parts of the brain to each other." i looked from the notebook and at the diagram miss finch had drawn on the board. i scribbled down a couple of notes on my paper, glancing at scott's notebook beside me and watching him take down his own notes.

his notes actually seemed to outdo mine. they were surprisingly neat, and his page was nearly full. whereas my paper was a bloody mess. there was scribbles all over the edges of the pages, and my writing had come off the lines at some points. i barely even had half my page covered. at least one of us was focusing well enough. i would have to ask him or lydia for their notes later.

"that ability for all parts of the brain to communicate, and to work together, helps us make leaps in cognitive thinking."

my eyes wandered to the window, taking a look outside. my sight landed on the same old, blue jeep in the parking lot. i straightened slightly in my seat, watching with furrowed brows a man in a mechanics looking jumpsuit eyed the jeep, scrawling something down on his clipboard.

"any questions, thoughts, insight, olivia?" miss finch asked me, falling into my line of sight as she stood beside the lab bench.

"i completely agree," i replied, my eyes settling on my teacher.

"is there something outside that's more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?" miss finch asked rhetorically, her eyes locked on my own.

"no. i don't think so." the two truck began to whir to life, the sound echoing around the classroom. my eyes drifted back outside. i shook my head, snapping my gaze back to my teacher before repeating a firm, "no."

"okay, good." miss finch smiled, walking away. i looked back outside, eyes squinting slightly. the operator outside place the jeep on his hook and my stomach whirred, a pit forming in my stomach. "now, many people credit the corpus callousness for giving us a sense of infusion, gut instinct, even when we ourselves aren't aware-"

"i'm sorry, i'll be right back." i said suddenly, springing from my seat. before my teacher, could protest, i was rushing out of the room, my hand clutching my bag tightly.

my legs moved quickly down the hallway, the heels of my boots clicking against the tiled floor. the end of my t-shirt dress whirled in the wind as i made my way outside. i scanned the nearly abandoned parking lot before my eyes settled on what it was i was searching for. as quickly as i could, i began to run towards the operator.

"hey!" i yelled. "hey!" the operator turned, and my eyes wandered over the name tag on his chest. frank. my eyes flicked back to his, my voice firm as i spoke,"you can't tow this jeep."

frank scoffed, "paperwork says i can. it's reported as abandoned."

i let out a sigh, slamming my hand down on the dirty hood, "and now it's not."

"oh, this is your vehicle." his eyebrows rose skeptically.

"does it matter?"

frank let out a laugh, "sounds like a no."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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